Building a writing practice by Sona Grover is the best for all writers
Writing is an exercise that needs constant practice. A simple gesture of expressing your emotions comes by writing beautifully. When you choose correct words, you can say a lot in a few words. That’s the beauty of writing good. I purposely picked up ‘Building a writing practice’ by Sona Grover who qualifies in every aspect to pen down her personal learnings in her latest ebook.
The book ‘Building a writing practice’
The book cover is apt that shows a pen and paper intriguing you to look inside. It’s a short read with many important things to learn and add to your daily writing schedule. I enjoyed every chapter because it was easy to understand and functional in terms of applying it to my own writing.

Agreeing with the author
I instantly connected with the author on many things:
- Blog weekly – I practised blogging twice a week but lately, my schedule is all messed up. However, this book pulls me back on the right track.
- Twitter thread – This is on my head for a long time now. A few years back, I read Richa Singh mentioning about Twitter thread to create awareness on what you are writing next. I did try but discontinued soon. Here, Sona also suggests creating a Twitter thread once in 3 days with proper research to back up your statements and build authenticity.
I know it takes time to build your online presence but the first important step is to start and keep continuing.
- Brain dump – This is a great suggestion and I usually dump my thoughts when I am very angry or crying. I don’t edit or read it again but just keep writing. I feel light. I feel good that at least I am building a writing practice be it for whatever reason.
- I like when the author says that the subconscious mind comes in way of good writing. I feel this. When I am writing my posts, I usually re-write many sentences thinking they may sound harsh or show my vulnerability. I am not sure if I will overcome this or do I actually want to overcome this?
Writer’s block doesn’t exist
As a writer, I can confirm that there’s nothing like writer’s block, it’s all in the mind. I have experienced it many times and proudly overcome it. I agree that on some days you are not able to write on a particular topic but giving a deadline helps you to write.
Many times I look at the blank screen asking myself, how do I start or how will I write 500-800 words on this topic? On second thought, I just start writing. I write, I delete but I keep writing. After completing about 100-150 words, I get my stream in front of me and there I am on the right path!
See, wasn’t it that simple? Try it out yourself.
My favourite learning
After being online for a couple of years, I miss writing on paper. I do write but that’s only pointers for my blog post or grocery list but not like chapters or paragraphs we used to write in school. In fact, sometimes, I wonder my handwriting will be spoiled this way.
That’s when I came across advice where the author mentions writing a paragraph or a page from the book you are reading. I was elated to read this as if I have got my solution. Read the book and find out why it’s so useful for writers like us?
Got an idea, jot it down
The other day, my son said that he gets good ideas for writing only when he’s playing a gadget. But he doesn’t stop in between thinking that he’ll write it down sometime later. And just like that, the ideas vanish.
So I suggested how to pause the game to write down his ideas at that very moment. This is exactly what the author suggests in her book too. I have been practising this habit for a while now.
Yet another great tip I found in this book is to create headlines out of your daily events. I found this quite interesting and will try it soon. This adds humour to your writing style and you learn to summarize big things in a few words.
I think I should stop here else the whole book will be on my blog soon!
You must download ‘Building a writing practice’ right now and start practising all ideas from day 1. I really recommend this book to all writers. You can get it from here
This post is a part of Blogchatter Ebook Carnival 2021 and Blogchatter Half Marathon 2021
That’s really very useful. Thank you so much for sharing. 😍❤️
Thanks, Muskan.