Simple tricks to follow the rule Thou shalt be consistent and succeed?
Thou shalt be consistent is one rule every blogger should follow. Consistency keeps you on the right track. It’s important to blog whatever you learn to help your readers gain knowledge. As much as writing is essential for a blogger, reading others and engaging in their content is equally required. So today, let’s discuss simple tricks to be consistent to succeed.
The reason Thou shalt be consistent
I may not have to tell a blogger the importance of being consistent on his blog. I don’t sleep the night I am not able to publish a blog when I had scheduled it to be. There’s no denying that consistency helps you gain the audience’s loyalty.

- If your posts are SEO oriented then it is very important to keep writing regularly and on the related topic to maintain traffic on your blog
- When you post regularly, your audience looks forward and expect useful content. They help in word of mouth recommendations too.
- The simple reason to be consistent is that you love to blog. Isn’t this love that made you share your every thought with the world?
- Appreciation only comes when you keep sharing your knowledge and create content that’s searched the most and includes your unique voice.
- With consistency only, you rank good on Google. Today, my blog’s maximum traffic is direct and through organic search. It gives me immense pleasure to make at least one person happy through my blog. And yes, that happens and it motivates me further.

Make the right choices to be consistent
I am at a good place right now but I am still not consistent as much as I intend to be. I know many ways but I am lazy to follow them. Maybe after sharing with you, I regain my track and start publishing consistently.
- A content calendar helps. I prepared it once and followed it to some extent but at times some work emergencies show up and I discontinue. Also, I feel a content calendar burdens me. I know the topics I have to write on but maybe looking at the calendar gives me stress. Well, I have seen people succeeding by following one so you should definitely try it.
- Write, write and keep writing. In my previous post, I have talked about winning writer’s block. Here too, I insist to write on your confidant topics and prepare drafts. You may schedule the publishing date later but start writing whenever you feel creative and strong about an opinion.
- We bloggers are born to share our thoughts on the blog. Publish and don’t judge yourself. Trust me, when you write confidently about something, it does reach a set audience. And from that set of audience, at least one person comments and appreciates you. If I can feel this emotion then I am sure you will also.
- Always research well about the topics you are planning to write about. This way you get an idea of what others think of the same topic and how you can include this piece of information in your own blog. It’s good to refer back to a credible source that helps in adding authenticity to your work.

Consistency is one quality that keeps every blogger alive in his words. Keep writing without the fear of losing your voice. You write regularly that’s why the world wants to hear you more.
Do you also follow the rule Thou shalt be consistent?
This post is a part of Blogchatter Half Marathon 2021
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