Simple Writing Habits That Take Out Stress From Your Life


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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17 Responses

  1. I love your tips. I would like to try them. I tend to check my phone very often, and that distracts me. But having a clear desk for writing does do wonders.. I agree on that point

  2. Sonia Dogra says:

    Geethica, what a different take on The Write Path. You’ve enlisted simple yet impactful techniques to make writing an effective and enjoyable experience.

  3. Dashy says:

    These are some very good points, Geethica. I’m surprised at how many of us had a similar journey of writing that started with writing diary. It feels like reading about my own life. It was nice to read about your write path as well.

  4. Swati says:

    This is exactly the post I was looking for, a set of handy tips that anyone who wants to be productive and creative in his writing journey can follow. Kudos for summarizing what is to be kept in mind.

  5. Manali says:

    1. Write when you’re alone
    2. Wear comfortable clothes
    3. Write before sleeping

    My three favorite habits out of the ones you’ve mentioned here 🙂

  6. Tarang says:

    Lovely article and important tips.
    I agree about write now, edit later. And finding your writing space is so relatable. I have a corner, nothing fancy but I have noticed that I can’t concentrate anywhere else. My biggest problem is that I can’t keep my phone away. Sometimes I am writing on my phone. :))

    • Geethica says:

      I know phones have become a necessity as content creators and it’s difficult to ignore them but yes, if we work on our focus then all good. Thanks, Tarang.

  7. Colour pens – that is awesome even though I like them. Not editing while writing is a wonderful tip to continuously write. A phone is another time destroyer and getting away from is the key to using time wisely. Nice tips for writing dear more power to your pens.

  8. P. S. Please keep sharing your amazing blog posts with me on WhatsApp as I look forward to reading and learning from your posts. Keep them coming! Best wishes 🙂

  9. Such simple yet helpful tips all of them. I am happy to read them as I follow most of them and they surprisingly help me in writing better as my mind becomes more organized. But I lacked reading about your perspective on writing and the subconscious mind that I expected from you as you often talk about the subconscious mind. I was eagerly waiting for your takes on how you would connect writing with the subconscious mind. Only that perspective is missing otherwise it would be a great piece to learn many new aspects of the subconscious mind. Anyway, I will keep waiting for that piece from you someday in the future. But I really loved the tips you shared because personally, I found them very helpful. Thanks for joining the blog hop and making it successful. Means a lot. Gratitude.

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