Given a chance to time travel which period will make you emotional?


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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35 Responses

  1. I was actually trying to find out which of my travel memories remains the fondest.. It is really difficult for me to choose one…I went on an impromptu trip to Gangtok just for a couple of days with my colleagues… That might be on top of my list… Good thoughts on time travel…

  2. Trablogger says:

    Delhi to Chennai would have taken you almost 4 days of train travel. At least it won’t take that long in a flight these days and will be even faster in the dreams! We all can dream to travel at this point of time!

  3. Madhu Bindra says:

    I really enjoyed the time travel with you. It made me nostalgic about my childhood and the road trips. Now just beautiful memories.

  4. Hi, Geethica South India indeed a great place to be in and every place has a uniqueness and beauty. Glad of your memories.

  5. Disha says:

    I could visualise your trip with your family. And from scorching heat to cool weather would be a welcome change. This is beautiful piece of memory to cherish forever.

  6. Geethica you have depicted everything so well. I too just travelled to my childhood while I was reading your post. Such good old days.

  7. Mandavi Jaiswal says:

    Wow, that is an amazing take on the prompt. I could almost visualize your growing up years. Loved the Salem life particularly

  8. Aesha Shah says:

    My most favourite travel memory is visiting Kashmir. It had been on my bucket list since childhood and though my dad was very fond of travelling so I have traveled a lot around India but we could never travel to Kashmir. My husband knew this and gave me the most luxurious trip of my life for our 14th marriage anniversary. He had travelled to Kashmir during childhood still he was keen that this should be my best travel memory, he has this competition with my dad who will make me more happy?😃We went to Kashmir in the month of January and it was all covered in snow. That time itself we decided we will travel again to Kashmir during summers to experience that as well.

  9. Neha Sharma says:

    This is such a sweet post, Geet. I wish we could get a chance to ‘time travel’ in real. There are so many travel memories still fresh in my mind that I would love to do a time travel hop to relive all those beautiful memories once again.

  10. hema gayatri says:

    I would love to time travel back to my pregnancy phase and the initial growing years of my daughter. I was extremely emotional and went through PPD. I feel missing out the vital part of my life.. Love this beautiful post.

  11. Neeta Kadam says:

    Your thought take us back. I still remember we used to visit at native place once in 5 to 6 years. Traveling by AC coach in train always exciting us. Those memories are still fresh.

  12. I loved the take on the prompt, Geethica. With your post I travelled back to my childhood days and indeed they were the best. Our trip to Kashmir was so vivid in front of my eyes. We travelled the entire state close to a month. The memories are engraved in my heart forever.

    • Geethica says:

      So true, Debidutta. Childhood memories never fade away, no matter how big we grow. Thanks.

    • Ishieta says:

      This is such a lovely memory and indeed we can travel back in time to any place and any experience. I would probably go back to to the days of summer holidays when I was in school. ..afternoons of eating mangoes and evenings of playing with cousins and then watching chitrahar or some such program with the whole family.

  13. Archana says:

    So true Geethica childhood memories are unbeatable, I can feel your level of happiness in your write up, traveling to your mom’s house Chennai. Wish we could go back again to those days! Loved it!

  14. This is a unique take on the prompt and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting Salem with you. Time travel was exciting and I could totally feel the warmth that you wanted to convey. Awesome.

  15. Such an innovative take on the prompt, Geethica! Your words surely took us with you down memory lane. What a pleasant surprise to know that your Mom’s hometown is Chennai. Hope you plan a visit here again so that we can meet.

    • Geethica says:

      Hey Mayuri, thanks. My mother is a Tamilian married to a North Indian. Yes, now I can proudly say that I also have a friend in Chennai and would love to hang out together when ever destiny plans one again.

  16. Your post has made me nostalgic Geethica and yes I know that re-calling childhood travel memories always feel your heart with so much warmth and happiness. lovely take on theme.

  1. 15/09/2021

    […] Given a chance to time travel which period will make you emotional? […]

  2. 22/02/2023

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