Old Memories – Fresh pen | Series 2


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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28 Responses

  1. pragunify says:

    Grandma, memories to cherish lifetime.

  2. Beautiful memories Geethica, my granny always wore salwar suits with ONLY pure Georgette dupattas… I would love to touch those soft chunnis. She had this huge collection in all possible colours. Your series is bringing back lovely memories …. Kudos.

  3. Geethica, you have taken the smart choices of your grandmother 🙂

    MeenalSonal from AuraOfThoughts

  4. Shilpa Garg says:

    Such lovely memories and some valuable lessons too! Thanks for sharing, Geethica!

  5. Disha says:

    Unknowingly, you have learnt some valuable lessons early in life. Our grandparent inspire us in more hidden ways than we can imagine. 🙂

  6. At times we adapt certain behavioural patterns from our elders. Lovely memories. 🙂

  7. some very lovely memories (and one very valuable lesson – regarding the coffee and excesses in life) to take from this 🙂


  8. Neha says:

    There is so much to learn and absorb from elders. You have picked up the right things!

  9. Envy you Geethica that you grew up in the company of your grand mom!
    Your new pen has penned the granny so well that i fell in love with her, sipping my cup of coffee!
    -Anagha from Team MocktailMommies

  10. zainab says:

    Loved the post Gee, and I was so close to my Nani too. I loved to talk to her spend time with her. Often she would come to stay with us in Delhi and that meant a lot of fun:)

  11. I loved reading your post! Both my grandmothers have made a good impact on me! Sometimes, my mother says she sees my paternal grandmother in me! However, she tells that for my stubborn nature. It’s such a nice read Geethica.

  12. Varsh says:

    Such impression she has left on you that consciously or otherwise you follow her. You keeping off from excess proves that you haven’t lost your own individuality either.

  13. Lovely memories, Geethica.
    I love how you leant not to do anything in excess, from your Grandma’s coffee drinking habit. You learnt a good lesson from a not so good example.

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