U-Unification of mind & body
Coming towards the end, with only some alphabets left, I reach U-UNIFICATION. Are you able to guess what it means? Well, I will give you here and try to tell you in simpler words.
Meaning of unification of mind and body
the act, process, or result of bringing or coming together into or as if into a single unit or group.
Mind and body were originally one. Do not think that the power you have is only the power you ordinarily use and mean that you have little strength. The power you usually use is the small, visible segment of an iceberg.
When we unify our mind and body and become one with the universe, we can use the great power that is naturally ours.
This is true in every aspect. But yes it is not known to all or rather we don’t pay attention to this power within us. Power always resonate to physical strength. You must be aware of the fact that it is our mind that trains the body to work. So naturally, if you flow positivity then the body follows positive actions and vice verse.
This happens with a lot of practice and patience. Often we break down in the middle only because it requires high meditation; detachment from outside world and full concentration.

My personal achievement
If you have been a regular reader of my blogs, you must have come across an audiobook The power of your subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy.
This book has helped me shape my strong character today. It has shown me the power of my mind. The effect of my thoughts on body and well being. It gives you some real examples from life that shows the real effect on you. You would fear negative thoughts because you will see positive effects when you think positive.
I have tried to unify my mind with my body to heal my headache. It’s been more than 2 years that I don’t take medication for a headache instead train my mind to heal my headache. I constantly repeat these lines
My head is working fine
The pain is going out of mind
I have a healthy and strong body
But the main power is in your thoughts. You should believe that it will happen. When you are doubtful about yourself, your sub-conscious follows that confusion and does not work positively.
Linking this post with @Blogchatter for #AtoZChallenge2017

I love reading about the mind and its control over your body, interesting read.
Thanks Menaka for the appreciation.
Great post. Really mind body unification is more difficult but provides good results.
Thanks Vasantha.
True Geethica. Conquering the mind is one of the most difficult things to do, it requires a lot of dedicated effort.
Celebrating ‘Women & their work’ all April @NamySaysSo Ugly duckling retold
Thanks Namratha for commenting.
that book sounds really great. Its tough, no doubt but again, nothing is too tough in life.
Yes seriously Tina. Thanks for commenting.
I agree with you dear, it’s tough but it’s doable. I wish I could take my king like you do some day.
Yes you will be able to do dear. Thanks
Wow! You seem to be one person who has really conquered all the demons in her head
Haha. Nothing like that Unishta. Perseverance is what needed everywhere. Thanks for the encouragement.