Why did we get panic attacks before shradh every year?
15 days of Shradh have a special place in the Indian calendar when we do special pujas and remember our ancestors. We are grown up listening to the fact that new clothes or shoes are not bought during this period. In fact, any auspicious beginnings are halted in shradh. But you’ll be amazed to know what brought us panic attacks before shradh during college days.
Shopping before shradh is really important
I am loving my little independence in college. Daily, we roam around the same markets and find something special to laugh on. Reena and Vidya have different tastes in shopping but our company is common. Reena is a more bargaining type and enjoys shopping as much as I do. On the other hand, Vidya is impatient and just wants to pick up anything at any price. Well, we are obliged that she is accompanying us.

Reena loves Sarojini Nagar market and I like Lajpat Nagar but we are crazy about shopping in any market as long as we are together. We buy stuff or not, we always buy stories from all shopkeepers. As we leave a shop without buying anything, that bhaiya follows us till the next shop and we laugh like hysterical in the town. Looking at us weirdly, Vidya makes faces that why do we waste time on such shops? How can we explain her the fun until she experiences herself?
Reena the shopper
Well, Reena is the weirdest and funniest when it comes to shopping. We both had beliefs not to buy any clothes during shradh and it least bothers me. But Reena gets panic attacks that shradhs are going to start and she wants to buy clothes beforehand only. I am surprised to see her eagerness. When I ask her what’s the urgency, she can buy it after 15 days. What’s the big deal?
But no! She is very serious to buy clothes before the shradh starts and I laugh at her asking are you short of clothes? Or do you buy every week? But there’s nothing more than funny faces and endless arguments that we both enjoy together. She wants to buy so she will and I will obviously accompany her.

Memories stay longer than people
Some facts and expressions never change. While narrating this incident I can clearly imagine Reena’s expression when asked do you really want to buy it? Ahh… lovely cute memories and enjoyable days.
Do you have any funny incidents to share from your golden days?
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I know people who believe in this ritual. I have beautiful shopping memories with my PG mates. Shopping in Delhi markets with friends is a fun thing to do.
I don’t know what a shradh is but I hope no one is getting panic attacks anymore!
Haha…definitely not. Thanks, Cindy.
Lovely shopping experience…we don’t have the custom of Shradh…but we do non-stop shopping anyways on many days!! 🙂 🙂
Shopping with friends is always a fun experience from trying new stuff to confusing the sales person. Good to know about your beliefs and I think most of us follow it till date.
I love your series of taking down the memory lane. collage friends and memories.
Haha! I am glad to know about a person like me. Seriously those15 days ban from shopping is no less than a challenge.
We just wrapped up shopping yesterday. One thing that I believe in is not having any kind of restrictions, so much that I stopped following any of these days. My life is more at ease.
Haha…that’s cool. Thanks, Pratibha.
Ya I too believe not to but anything during Shradha. And can see bit of me in Reena but I think can wait for15 days ..haha
Thanks, Swati.
I also love to do shopping, will surely take you when in Delhi for shopping!
Wow, I am waiting. Thanks, Ruchi.
Lets just say, thats a good excuse to go shopping before Shradh starts 😉 ! I didnt know about this belief much though I know land purchases arent done in this period.
Ok. Thanks, Mandavi.
During my college days, I never liked shopping much but over the years I have started liking it not for clothes but home decor items. With friends, shopping is always fun!!
Yes, that’s true. Thanks, Debidutta.
I never liked shopping, not even now. I hated it when my friends pushed me to come with them but you can’t say no to friends. I would go just for my friend’s company and that was the only fun part for me.
Haha…I understand. Vidya was the same with us, just dragging herself and accompanying us. Thanks, Neha.
Shopping with friends is always fun 😀
Reena sounds like me btw
Oh my God, then we should definitely go on a shopping spree once you are in India. Thanks for commenting on all my Alexa posts.