What it takes to be a superwoman with extra wings. Know it all here


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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12 Responses

  1. Manali says:

    Your post reminded me of the importance of self-love and acceptance. It also told me how I haven’t done something like this for myself and how far I’ve come.
    A big pat on your back and a hug from my side for being your awesome self, Geethica

  2. sakshi varma says:

    So proud of you that you picked yourself and your attributes to praise this Women’s Day. It is important to know and understand yourself as also to celebrate yourself. All the points you share are very important. Thanks!

  3. It takes a whole lot of connection with oneself, experiences and introspection to know what u really want from life. I am glad that u have found that Geethica… hope you continue to shine n more power to you. Hmmm… to answer your question, It may sound like I am blowing my own trumpet but there r a whole lot of qualities that I admire in myself, some r my strength, sense of responsiblilty n resilience. I look for the good in people rather than the bad and I like to spread happiness and make a difference in the lives of people in whatever way possible… too much? 🙈

    • Geethica says:

      That’s great, Kaveri. And never think of blowing your own trumpet but do so because you actually own those qualities. The qualities that you have nurtured yourself and are proud to count on. Thanks.

  4. Careena says:

    You’re definitely a superwoman! I love how you turned the lense towards your achievements and I related so much with that aspect of self love. There were many helpful nuggets in this piece. Also, I really like how supportive your tone is, it just feels like a hand guiding me to eventual fulfilment. I think I’ll come back to this piece when I need a reminder to look at my own superpowers~

  5. Janaki says:

    Your post has inspired me to sit down, collect my thoughts and pick out the qualities I admire in myself. Self love comes first, doesn’t it? Thanks for egging me to do this.

  6. Neeta Kadam says:

    Geethica, your story is a great reflection of self discovery. Quite related with me, bas I am not earning from my writing yet but yes goal is there. I like the way you achieve your superpower one by one and believe in your self. Yes, we have to admire ourselves, give to high five ourselves and cheers to ourselves first. Kudos to your superpower. And many more you will get.

  7. Cindy DSilva says:

    Lovely post! I’m glad you have delegated household chores. I always believe that they have to be delegated and not done just by one person. For eg. Everyone living in the house needs to clean up after themselves instead of the mother spending her life only cleaning up after everyone.

    • Geethica says:

      I agree. In fact, I try to put my husband and kids on different duties so they don’t clash and finish their chores quietly. Thanks.

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