Can you hate the person you love the most


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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27 Responses

  1. Aditya Sathe says:

    Over a course of time, you will start looking at what the other person enjoy so much in something which you hardly have any interest in. and before you know yourself, you feel a bond developed for it. You may still have no interest in it. But you will keep a lookout for things which your partner likes to do so that you can share his/her hapiness just as a companion.

  2. Aastha says:

    I believe everyone has their own love language but sometimes you need to love your partner in their love language

  3. Ritu Bindra says:

    Interesting question. I have seen cases where love turned to hate with equal measure. But that’s not what we are talking about here. Sweet post.

  4. Careena says:

    Aww. These words are so precious and tender that I felt the respect, understanding, and quiet love in your partnership. It’s amazing how much the small gestures amount to. I’ve always been a believer in actions than words when it comes to care. And I see a lot of those gestures you wrote about in my mum’s actions every day ~ 💗

  5. Manali Desai says:

    Love is always in the air, it’s just that you need to smell it over other fragrances.
    How beautifully put, Geethica 👏🏻😍
    I love how you said you take care of his belongings but not to spoil him or spoon-feed
    This is a lovely reminder for the people who feel irritated or feel like they hate someone just because of a few habits.

    • Geethica says:

      So sweet of you to say that, Manali. Yes, love teaches you to accept all shades of your partner and be transparent yourself at the same time. Thanks

  6. Samata says:

    Geethica when you are in love you want to see the person you love happy in every way. I was not fond of eating spicy food but the day I fell in love with my man who is a tremendous foody person unknowingly I also dipped into the spicy zone. I never loved the color BLUE, but now you ask me to choose a dress, wallpaper or any interior decor items. I dont know why I can only see blue. He loves blue and now I love it too. I can relate myself with your content so well.

    • Geethica says:

      So relatable, Samata. I realise my partner has raised the bar from dal roti to chowmein because I like it. It’s not only women who change but men also go through life changes.
      I am glad you resonated with my story. Thanks

  7. Neha Sharma says:

    What a beautiful post, Geet. I believe we all have our own love language for our partner, one that only they understand 😀 It’s the small gestures that make relationships special. There are many loving habits of my partner, and a few irritating ones too but for me it’s not the habits that matter, it’s the person and how they make you feel.

    • Geethica says:

      I totally agree, Neha. You love the person and gradually you love their habits too. In trying times, it’s the person who cares for you keeping aside their most irritating habits. Thanks

  8. A highly enjoyable and identifiable portrayal of the complexities of a relationship. Geethica, you are a poet of love through everyday gestures and habits, accepting that irritants live hand in hand with the endearments of love. The post challenges readers to look back at their relationships, evoking a feeling of belonging through common stories. Everyone can find something relatable!

  9. Matheikal says:

    This comes from a very affectionate heart. Your man is lucky, I should say.

    What irritates me most and yet is an admirable quality in my 3-decades partner is her frequent inquiry about certain grammatical nuances. Why doesn’t she understand that language is more than grammar? But i love the dedication to precision.

    • Geethica says:

      Hahah…3 decades is a strong path to a healthy relationship. I agree with your partner’s irritation about why a language has grammatical exceptions. But yes, it’s more than just the grammar.
      Thanks a lot for commenting.

  10. Neeta Kadam says:

    Completely agree with you Geethica. Every couple has their own love language. Living with partners habit is sometimes difficult 😉. But yes, helping each other, being there for each other is always beneficial.

  11. Tanvi Agarwal says:

    Comendable, these little things help in balancing a relationship, not just for a couple but entire family too. These days we are habitual of spending time in isolation with our devices and do other things only for the sake of doing those.

  12. Marietta Pereira says:

    Such a structured and organized post. Everything you say resonates, and yes, there are a few things that I still have to work on even after 27 years of marriage.

    • Geethica says:

      Wow…27 years is cool. And yes, relationships are always a work in progress. We all are learning something and that’s what keeps us busy. Thanks, Marietta,

  13. Romila says:

    Your words reflects a positive perspective on the complexities of love in a relationship. It encourages us to reflect on our own relationships and consider the habits of partners that they both adore and find irritating. After all love requires understanding and accepting both the positive and challenging aspects of a partner.

  14. Nilshree says:

    Little gestures like the ones you have mentioned go long way! These tips are simple and can be executed easily!

  15. Cindy DSilva says:

    Hahaha good question. I guess we have learnt to live with the irritating habits for 15 years now. So, it’s better not to mention them here just in case he reads this blog. But yeah love is a peculiar thing. You cannot live with it and you cannot live without it.

    • Geethica says:

      Well, partners are always eyeing each other’s thoughts and if we are bloggers, they ought to look out for our posts. Thanks, Cindy.

  1. 20/06/2024

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