How many interesting facts about Geethica do you know?
I am a blogger completing 7 years of telling my stories and I wonder if you know these interesting facts about Geethica. Yes, that’s me. Though my blog truly reflects my thoughts, my habits are scattered everywhere. So maybe, reading them in a single post will amuse you.
Early risers can also like night owls
I am an early riser from my childhood days. Watching my parents rise early, I followed them religiously. Now blogging comes to me naturally and I love to write at night, hit the publish button and sleep like a queen. In fact, I realise that creativity and the urge to bring it into action come within me as the night gets darker. But that doesn’t prevent me from rising early.
Like this, I become a mix of an early riser and a night owl.
I am emotional and I am not a fool
You are born with some characteristics and I am born an emotional person. I don’t make friends easily but get attached to people around me. It comes naturally; sometimes it feels good but other times it hurts. It takes time to train my subconscious mind to detach myself from people not important in my life.
I don’t succeed easily but still, I am proud to be born as I am.
Introverts are surprisingly talkative
I don’t have many friends. I feel suffocated when different kinds of people surround me and I have to bear them for a long. Listening to people talking is not always informative and that’s why I withdraw myself from such gatherings.
On the contrary, through blogging, I found so many like-minded people. We didn’t exchange numbers immediately but when we did then there was no looking back. When I met a few of my blogger friends for the first time, I talked for hours surprising myself. Reading each other for some time, we already knew their likes and dislikes.
Midnight chef
Approaching 2 decades of marriage where we believe in home-cooked food, I can wake up in the middle of the night, make a dough half asleep and start making rotis. Before my conscious mind plans, my subconscious mind is already trained to put me in action. I am super proud of this quality of mine because even the most successful person survives on food.
Habits are repetitive and you tend to get bored. At a point in my life, I got so bored of cooking that I started questioning myself why do kids come and ask for food from me? Then someone made me realise if I have the quality of making good food then I should practice it and make life beautiful.
On that note, I went to my mom’s place and asked her “khane mein kya hai” The most irritating question for all moms!
When does a money saver become a shopaholic?
My father is a big money saver and I have taken his quality to the core. But my mom is a shopaholic and I can’t take those genes out of me. I believe in saving and spending only when plenty is left even after shopping. I am accustomed to listening to my father for every demand do you really need it? This question is stamped in my brain and now I ask myself a million times do I really need it?
Still, I am a replica of my mom too so on one day in a month, I spend like a queen. I must confess that shopping does make me happy.
Music is magical
There’s no doubt that music is the best healer and it has helped me calm in the darkest of times. The times when you just want to puke out all your bad thoughts and you can’t talk to anyone, music is the saviour. As you start hearing, one by one the negative thoughts burn into ashes and once again you are back to life.
Well, life doesn’t stop challenging you but knowing interesting facts about Geethica will definitely make you laugh. So tell me, do you resonate with any of my qualities?
This post is a part of #BlogchatterBlogHop

Good to know more about you, Geet. No doubt, you are quite an interesting person.
Hahaha…thanks dear. You are the same for me.
Hee hee khaney mein kya hain can scare me too.Great post Geethica.
All moms resonate with the phrase. Thanks Amrita.
Each time I visit your blog I find a lot of positivity. And I can identify with many of your qualities. That bit about introverts being great talkers – so true. Also if you sleep late and wake up early how do you get your 7 hours?
It is not necessary to get 7 hours of sleep if you get quality sleep in 5 hours. When I am overcharged to write and I force myself to sleep, I won’t be able to and would just waste time changing sides. Also, this creativity side is not active every day so on other days I am normal as others. Thanks Tulika.
I always cherish your simple way of living. Your words give me peace and I find life is amazing when we stop worrying. These facts brought us closer, Geethica. Loved the post just like other posts.
Thank you, Swarnali.
Nice to know you from this close.
Thank you.