Does A place called home by Preeti Shenoy successfully win everyone’s heart?
After a gap of 1 year and 4 months, I finished a fiction novel: A Place Called Home by Preeti Shenoy. Can you imagine the power of this book? During my break from reading, I tried many genres apart from my favourite thriller but nothing helped. I bought this book from the railway station on my way back home from Jaipur. I love buying books from the station no matter when I read them.
As usual, I kept tossing it and one day I actually picked it up to read. I started and ended the book (thankfully I had a weekend to speed up my reading). Even my daughter was surprised and asked me how come I had read more than half of the book so fast. Yesterday, you were just reading the first chapter!
A place called home by Preeti Shenoy
That’s because…

The author portrays her protagonist Alka as a girl who dares to change her destiny through her own hard work. In the quest of earning a better lifestyle for herself and her mother, she realises where she had reached. She recalls all that she has achieved and whether are they worth achieving at the cost of losing something precious.
The story shows a beautiful and confident mother-daughter relationship. Alka’s mother always stands by her in every decision she takes. The reader is glued to the end as life challenges Alka at many different levels. It is interesting to know whether she will take the opportunity this time or not.
People play an important role in your life and they are responsible for shaping your character. In the story, you find Alka making some good and some bad choices while choosing her companions for life. It is captivating to know what affects her decisions and how she changes her path accordingly.
Writing that binds you
The author is capable of narrating the story of an ordinary maid’s daughter with such simplicity that it becomes relatable. The reader has the urge to keep turning pages until he reaches the end. In the end, there are a few questions left for the reader’s imagination and that makes you pick another book from the same author.
There are different time leaps that make your reading like a roller coaster but at the same time, the author has woven it neatly so as to avoid any confusion.
Life is an ongoing journey and however Alka may try to make it perfect, will she be able to sleep peacefully?
That’s the question every reader thinks of as he keeps down the book.
If you read the book, what’s your take on it?
You can find Preeti Shenoy on all social channels – Twitter, Instagram and Facebook. Also, the book is available on Amazon.
I did read a few books by Preethi shenoy, but didn’t come across this one. Strong women is my favourite genre. Will add it to my TBR.
Thanks, Ruchi. You should definitely add it to your TBR.