Why looking back is equally important as you step ahead?
For some time now, I have started writing the word of the year early in the first month. This year too I had sketched my year 2021 in advance. My word of the year 2021 is ‘Learning’. Coming towards the end, I want to check my journey as I narrate it to you. I realize that as we step ahead and achieve each of the goals, it’s equally important to keep looking back at safe intervals to map the journey you have covered so far.
Also read: Announcing powerful word of the year 2021 – Learn
My word of the year, in the beginning, was learning. Yes, you can never shy away from learning. You want it or not, life teaches you new lessons at every stage. This year, I learnt:
- to ignore things and people who are giving stress.
- to be quiet and watch the game. Though it is very tough because your ego doesn’t let you do it easily but practising will bring me closer to perfection.
- to live with habits of others you don’t like because the reality is that others don’t change when you want them to change. They have their own constraints hence it is the best to accept.
- to stop saying things that you may regret listening to later. Stop because you may not know what the other person may be going through. It’s easy to make assumptions but hard to accept reality.
- to pause and listen to people who teach you wisdom. They give you the strength to keep moving. You realize you are on the right path. It’s just that hurdles increase as you come closer to the finish line.
At times when you feel lost in the middle of your journey, just pause and look back. You may be still away from your goal but when you realize how far have you come, you feel the power to cover the rest.
I have learnt that all your learnings are applied when God gives you real situations. You make promises when you pray but are you able to practice when the situation arises?
Many times, the answer is no. But I am going to keep practising it until I win over it. This brings me to the next word of the year too. Well, I am going to announce it in the new year only.
Until then, you tell me, how much are you able to follow what you preached at the beginning of the year?
A truly honest piece, Geethica. Could absolutely relate to it. There is so much to learn from our experiences… if we are open to learning, that is. I haven’t chosen a word of the year yet, may this year.
Thank you, Ritu. Yes, experiences are the best life teachers.
Something cool as well as new to bring in life in the new year 2022!! The process of learning as well as implementing never end and when we start doing things practically we can get to know that its impossible to stay at one thing or a point in life.
Thanks for this short and sweet stuff
Thank you, Dipak.
I can relate with learning it’s like a never ending process. My word for this year would be Gratitude. My heart is full of gratitude to see kindness and humanity around me every single day. I feel grateful for everything I have today 😊🙏 waiting for the word till new year 😊
Thank you, Varsha. Yes, learning goes on as long as we are alive.