What little steps are you taking to save your environment?
The environment gives us so much. We have grown up learning about its benefits and how we should help preserve our nature starting from small. Well, there’s much awareness about growing plants and trees in our surroundings but somewhere in our hearts, we delay this action. If you start with little steps to save your environment then in no time, you would accomplish the green goals.
Like we have seen our elders planting greenery in the surroundings and taking care of them, we should also include our children in the same activity. Today, schools also play an important role in encouraging children to plant and know their benefits by the various creative procedures.
Do you remember a holiday homework we used to get to germinate sprouts during summer vacations? At that time, my mother did it for me but at the time of my children, I couldn’t escape! In every possible way, we have to appreciate our environment and learn to conserve it.
Also read: Road to destiny

How do you save your environment?
There may be small things we may be doing unknowingly and harming the greenery around.
- We all have grown a little green balcony in our homes but when we sit in AC rooms for a prolonged time, the hot air from the unit gets directly on these plants only. They damage the leaves faster than the hot air in the atmosphere.
- When we don’t switch off electricity after leaving the room, we are indirectly causing damage to our environment only.
- Remember as a mother, you would teach your children to close the tap while applying soap on their bodies or brushing their teeth? Because water is again coming from nature only. Today, we only see dried-up wells in villages. If by chance, someone has spotted some water in a well, he would be tagged as lucky.
- Planting a seed is not enough. If you water less then it will not nourish and even if you water them too much, they may drown. I have noticed that I water them through a pipe, the water comes with the pressure that harms newly grown leaves. Instead, I am thinking to pour water from a mug and bucket that pours smoothly on them.
So how are you taking care of your environment? Remember no step is small or big, it’s the initiative that matters.
This post is a part of Blogchatter A2Z Challenge 2021 and also Cause A Chatter environmental talks.
Completely agree with you, we’ve grown up learning so much and have forgotten many of these lessons down the road. This post is a great reminder!
Completely agree with you, we’ve grown up learning so much and have forgotten many of these lessons down the road. This post is a great reminder!
Very good tips, Geethica. i try to recycle as much as I can and yes, i am very particular about switching off the light, gan, geysers, and aircon.
Agree with your tips.
Love for environment must be inculcated from a young age.
Children will learn from their parents & teachers.
Thank you, Anita.
Your post is always so comprehensive and yet brief.
Thank you, Pooja.