Has the year 2020 left you thankful and cheerful


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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10 Responses

  1. Modern Gypsy says:

    It’s certainly been a year of immense learning for all of us. Gratitude and thankfulness goes a long way in helping us make the best of the situation we are in!

  2. Esha says:

    Despite whatever it has been, this year has brought me some very important life lessons and learnings, made me appreciate whatever I have and be grateful for the people and the things in my life that gives me happiness and comfort. A very tough but a very important year in our collective lives, I guess—that’s what 2020 will be for most of us.

  3. Jyothi says:

    I have discovered that there is wannabe artist inside me. I have started painting. I am sure everyone has discovered some hidden talents this year. We all had plenty of time to do so. Stay safe.

  4. My 2020 has been great. As you said we all learned that a few things are enough and adopted minimalism. We learned how to be effective working from home.

  1. 15/12/2020

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  2. 21/12/2020

    […] Read more about how has the year 2020 left me thankful and cheerful? […]

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