Wisdom Tales | How much education is complete education?


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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23 Responses

  1. I remember Russo’s principle of ‘learning by doing ‘ after reading your post. Great share.

  2. Ritu Bindra says:

    A great story, Geethica. Education is not just book knowledge. It is an all-round development.

  3. Rashi Roy says:

    Very true, we learn everyday, it never stops. Love your theme and its so good to read these simple yet impactful stories.

  4. Neha says:

    So true! You might be highly educated but if you are not modest and humble about your achievements they are seldom of any use to the society of for personal growth.

  5. Atulmaharaj says:

    I believe that everything around us teach us something. Right from the tree that grew out of a seed, battled rough weather to see the sunshine everyday.

  6. Wonderful post. Humility is the first principle of education. Knowledgeable are most humble.

  7. Yes I have always believed that education goes far beyond mere book-learning. A thought-provoking and important post.

  8. So very much agree with u. Learning only maths and science doesn’t make u learned person

  9. Very nice article and interpretation of the story.

  10. Ashvini Naik says:

    I so love your interpretation & corollary from this famous story, Geethica.

    Education is not just about learning science & arithmetic. Living with ethics, humility & kindness is not something that your school or teacher will essentially teach, although they might inspire you to some extent.

    It’s necessary to look into yourself, reason & ask yourself questions that will lead you to living more usefully for others.

  11. Aarti says:

    So true Geethica…Education is not limited to books!

  1. 13/07/2024

    […] the same thing but we often ignore it and start arguing to convince the other person. Today’s Wisdom Tale speaks about the depth of different perspectives having equal […]

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