Why did I choose less painful vaccines for my child and you should also?
Every mother wants the best for her child and this means even for her child’s vaccines. Vaccination is the most difficult part of a baby’s new journey into life. It is the most important thing that should not be missed but is painful. As I have discussed many times before also that a mother is a half doctor once her child gets sick and she nurses. At the same time, taking my child for vaccination is always a big task. The pain through which my child goes through takes me also on a painful journey. Every time I have to cook up stories before the doctor’s visit and then take him to his favourite play area so that he forgets the pain. But after a lot of research and discussion with my doctor, I am confident talking about why did I choose less painful vaccines for my child and you should also?
Introduce your child to less painful vaccines
Less painful vaccines are an innovation today. Less painful or acellular vaccines contain fewer antigens or only some of the cellular material rather than complete cells which are found in the painful variants. Less painful versions are more commonly used in the immunisation of young children and in India are still usually administered via syringe. (i)

Different kinds of less painful vaccines
While different types of less painful vaccines are still done through needle and syringe, times and technology are changing fast. In the making are easy to self-administer, dissolving microneedle patches and pill-sized technology, called the MucoJet that jet-releases a stream of the vaccine on the cheek inside the mouth. (i)
These vaccines are not completely painless but far less painful than whole-cell vaccines.
Yes, they are safe to use
You are absolutely correct in checking the safety of these less painful vaccines. Even I was. When compared to painful whole-cell vaccines, less painful variants reduce post-vaccination side-effects like pain, swelling and fever but also provide reduced immunity. The protection provided by Less painful Vaccines lessens quicker than those of painful counterparts. And since they have lower antibody production, it also makes it the less safe option of the two. (i)
I have always discussed each and every doubt with my doctor, be it small or big. And trust me, there’s nothing to shy about. You are a mother and you are in total control of your child’s health. Your doctor is answerable to all your doubts. So never trust any news you hear until you cross-check it with your doctor and you are satisfied with the explanation. It took me a lot of time to accept new advancements in medical technology and convince myself first and then my family to go for it.

What’s #YourCareQuotient?
A child is an apple of everyone’s eye in the family, be it for the first child or third or fourth. Every family member wants the child to be healthy and fit. So there’s no harm in discussing with your family and doctor what’s good or bad for your child’s growth and health.
Ohh this is interesting. I had not heard about mucojet technology before. Seems like a great and less painful vaccine option for our kids. Thanks a lot dear for sharing. Will discuss about it with my doctor for sure in next visit.
Thank you, Surbhi.