This will help you control anger to be strong and powerful
I have talked about a few ways to control anger in my older posts. It is not that anger makes you powerful because you can shout at others and make them quiet. Instead, you can be silent and still be strong and powerful. I agree that this doesn’t come easy and you have to practice for months and years. You never know when or how will you feel patience within you? So from where to start? You need to search for people who talk about this topic. You may not connect to a bestseller at first, in fact, the person can be anybody who influences you. Once you agree with what is said, you become a loyal follower. Hence, the journey to control anger starts.
You will control anger soon
Whatever you see or hear, even for a few seconds, makes space in your subconscious mind. You may or may not be aware of it. I started listening to a podcast series, The power of your Subconscious mind, way back in 2017 when I felt a major change in my thinking process. I am a book person but as my responsibilities grew, I shifted to podcasts. It became easier listening to podcasts and motivate myself while I walk early morning. It takes a lot of months and sometimes years to apply what you hear. But it helps. I can guarantee you that.
You just need to connect with a particular writer or speaker then it becomes easy to travel on your chosen path. I instantly connected with the magical words of this audiobook saying the power is within you and that is your brain. It all depends on how you train your brain. You get results as you imagine in your thoughts, believe in them and start working towards it.
Change in mindset does wonders
It is all in our mind. Once you are convinced then you just need to train your brain. The brain has a conscious and subconscious mind. Your conscious needs to focus on what you want from your life? Gradually, you will realise that anger is the cause of maximum problems in life. Relationships break and friendships suffer because of anger. But it is very difficult to manager anger and be calm.
While you listen or read something time after time, your subconscious mind starts working towards it. Initially, you go back to your old habits but your new thinking makes you conscious. Your new mindset will take time to adjust to new situations but you will soon come to know that it is improving you from inside out.

Paperbacks and audiobooks that changed my vision
Post marriage your lifestyle changes drastically. I am a bookworm since birth but here, I saw many other sets of books and preachings. Earlier I believed in God but now I feel Him inside. A lot has changed within me and it is not the result of a few days. Many years have gone by listening to the same things and every new time, I understood with a deeper meaning. It is like now I have started a different journey all of its own. A journey that is much calmer and full of thankfulness. Now I know what makes me happy and what are the things that I have to leave at the earliest in order to be happy and close to Him. Anger is one of them.
Check out the books that have helped to shape the new me. You may not relate to them at once but gradually you will. Similarly, the audiobooks have saved my time as I listen to them early morning walking in the park. You can listen to them here

Every person has a different taste and finds interest in different things but if you can relate it to your life and feel a positive change then you are on the right track.
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You are one step closer to happiness if you know what gives you happiness. Anger and ego are the two most dreaded emotions that keep us away from happiness. Currently, I am working on anger management.
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That’s true. Anger can be such a debilitating emotion. I’m not much into self-help books however as I’ve grown older, self-realisation has sunk in and I tend to let go of anger faster. Though I still have to learn to not let it takeover even for those brief blinding moments. I will check out the podcasts. Sounds interesting.
Thank you Tulika. As we grow we realise how peaceful it is to be quiet.
Tell me that it isn’t only me who feels like that most people these days are impatient and are really quick to anger these days?
Seriously. Every other person is impatient and so many times, I have to remind myself to slow down. Thank you Damyanti.