This will help you control anger to be strong and powerful


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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4 Responses

  1. Obsessivemom says:

    That’s true. Anger can be such a debilitating emotion. I’m not much into self-help books however as I’ve grown older, self-realisation has sunk in and I tend to let go of anger faster. Though I still have to learn to not let it takeover even for those brief blinding moments. I will check out the podcasts. Sounds interesting.

  2. Damyanti Biswas says:

    Tell me that it isn’t only me who feels like that most people these days are impatient and are really quick to anger these days?

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