In what ways can you be sure of your intelligence?
Intelligence is something to be proud of. It proves to helpful at every stage of life and we should never underestimate the power of our brain. Apart from genes, we develop some amount of intelligence through experience also. In fact, major transformation happens once we finish our studies and live in the real world. All the people we meet and how we apply the learned intelligence so far proves how smart are we. There are many ways in which you can be sure of your intelligence.
If you ask me where am I standing today and what measures my intelligence? Well, the answer is simple. If I am able to smile effortlessly and can answer my subconscious without any guilt, I am at the highest bar of intelligence.
Be observant to cultivate intelligence
Whatever we look, hear or see even once adds to our subconscious mind that in turns influences our behaviour thereafter. We may not remember what we learnt at what time but your brain knows it all. Don’t you hear your parents saying this often, “We didn’t teach him all this, from where has he learnt?” It is because all the people you meet, your friends, people on the road, at your workplace, influence your thinking.
Remember, three monkeys of Gandhiji? They are actually the correct models to simplify life. Just ask yourself. Can we shut our ears to what is not good for us? Or shut our mouth before saying something bad to someone? Or shut our eyes before seeing something bad? Is it easy to do any one of the above? I think closing your eyes is the easiest and shutting your mouth is the hardest of all. But the most important thing is to know what is not good for us.
Strengthen your will power
Your behaviour marks your intelligence. It is not measured by your degrees but through your common sense to solve daily problems of life. The most peaceful man on Earth is the most intelligent. He is able to resolve the issues if any and make his life smoother. No education is bigger than your own experience. When you apply your learnt wisdom in practical situations, you test your intelligence.
The highest rank of emotions are desire, greed, ego, anger to name a few. Are you able to win them over? Your intelligence works the best when you can control your emotions and you drive your brain and not the other way round.
We all are work in progress but the journey becomes a lot more smoother when we know what is correct? If we are clear about what are we running after, our goals become clear and journey becomes easy to finish.
Everyone is intelligent is some way. Have you wondered what’s your secret to intelligence?
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