How to Act as a fairy and spread happiness?
A very warm welcome to my blog this year spreading happiness through #BlogchatterA2Z challenge. As you all know that registering for this challenge and completing it successfully has become a blogging ritual. And without wasting another single minute, I want to disclose the theme of my challenge. In the current scenario, everyone obeying rules is a superhero and so am I who will be discussing 26 ways to win over self-isolation with pride! Let’s start with breaking the first barrier and understanding how to act as a fairy and spread happiness?
You are the power to spread happiness
As an active member of the family and technically deciding all the major happenings at home, you are an example for all. In this time of self-isolation, what is the most important thing to conquer? It is anger and frustration. The whole schedule of Indian homes is shattered. We are used to living in a routine where either of the spouses or both are out to work for some hours and also children are at school 5 days a week. Some hours of the day, everyone has some private hours and some family time.
But currently, when everybody is at home at all times, the situation has completely changed. How may ever, each one of us tries to be calm, we break down for a while. And you are the most hurt when you are the role model to everybody in the house. But this is the time you need to be brave and be the power for all

Act as a fairy
What do you mean by a fairy? She has magical powers. What are those magical powers? Those are nothing else than your superb qualities.
- Patience – God has given us immense patience but we often forget it under other responsibilities. Patience is the solution to all non-favourable situations in the world. When we are helpless, we become irritated and angry but just calm down for a second and ask yourself – What is the result of this behaviour? Further frustration and nothing more. So practice being patient and watch things solve with time. The best way to practice is to divert your mind from any arguments and do what you like the most.
- Smiling – Don’t you feel light when you smile? Yes, try it. As mothers also, you don’t show your worry to your children but smile at them reassuring that all will be ok. This is the only trick that can make you happy in the worst situation.
Just believe in time and smile. The situation may not be under your control but your emotions are. Remember, your family admires you for your strength.
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You can find all the other posts of he challenge here
Lovely Write up Geetha, a much needed motivation in the current scenario
Thanks a lot.
Such a beautiful post Geethica… Such a positive way to look at like. All of us have super powers and have the ability to do anything.. looking forward to reading all your posts
Thank you Simrit. Really appreciate you giving time to read my post and looking forward for more.
This has totally been testing my patience. But currently like you said I am trying to imbibe the fairy in me and smiling as much as possible.
I know we all are going through so much in our own way but yes if we show courage then will all. Thanks Namratha