How can you Pursue a new hobby and boost your creativity?
Within a week of lockdown, my social media timeline was filled with people posting pictures of their newfound love. Amidst self-isolation, they have got abundant time to rekindle their love for family and take up old hobbies. These hobbies were left in between due to shortage of time and other regular stuff. But now, the most important is your time and you are bound to make use of it the best possible way that keeps you happy and makes you confidant. So what is the best way to pursue a hobby and boost your creativity?
Pursue a hobby that’s close to your heart
Mostly we want to do many things at a time. While choosing a hobby also, many factors influence us. Like, parents want us to do certain things. There are old memories attached to our own options. But, it is important to see whether that hobby holds the same passion within you today also. Some things lose their charm as we grow old. Many times, our responsibilities bound us more than we can think of leaving us with no time for a particular hobby.
But still, there’s one passion that has grown stronger during these years. Something that’s waiting to come out of you in the most creative way when the time permits. And that time has come now. That one habit/passion that’s close to your heart and you are happily ready to take out time for that.

The passion that keeps you happy
Don’t you all have such a passion? Like, I live because I want to write. Writing is one thing for which I can make 48 hours in a day and sit to write after finishing all other chores. I believe that you get a certain power to manage time for your passion. You don’t feel tired or exhausted at the end of the day to sit and write. In fact, there’s a different level of energy for your passion.
- Observe your daily schedule and see what makes you happy instantly
- What is that one thing we love to do at any given hour of the day?
- You don’t need to energise to do that thing, you automatically feel it.
- It doesn’t exhaust you but brings a smile on your face. Like, I get a good night’s sleep when I publish a post before retiring to bed.
- You don’t feel guilty if you have overdone your passion and skipped another work for it.
If you have a passion that answers all the above points then that is the dearest to your heart. Go and pursue that hobby right now!
Do tell me in the comments about your passion and have you started pursuing it?
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This time reading blogs during myfriendalexa campaign made me realise that one of my newly discovered hobbies is to read articles back to back for hours for sure.
Thanks, Neha.
That’s so true. This is the best time to rediscover an old hobby or pursue a brand-new one.
Great points, Geethica.
Time is a major factor. Need to plan it well.
Don’t think I have the time to pursue a new bobby as I’m with blogging- trying to finish a post daily for this challenge :):)
That’s so true Geethica. let us use this time to relearn or maybe learn a hobby!
Yes, definitely. Thank you Archana.
Writing has been my second inning in life. The way it relaxes me, makes me happy.. i know my heart is in the right place. You have so correctly pointed out- Passion should be the driving force!
Exactly the same with me too, Jyoti. Thank you
Sometimes I wonder how writing found me.Its one hobby which I never tire of.Great tips yo find a hobby which one is passionate about.
Thank you Amrita😊