How can you manage one thing at a time and be happy?
When you have a workload, you just want to multi-task and finish it off. The more we say, we multi task, we feel proud and satisfied. But do ever realize that this multi-tasking is not increasing our productivity but actually lowering it. Doing more things at one time doesn’t make us productive but actually exhausts us. As a result, maximum work is left unfinished. Many times you experience that you are doing things all day long but nothing seems to be finished. That’s why you should manage one thing at a time and be happy.
That one thing that makes you happy
Go inside your memory and search that one thing that makes you happy? It is important to know this so that you can work to achieve it. Like for me, different things give me happiness at different times. When I take a break from work and switch on TV during lunch, a crisp episode of Crime Patrol makes me happy. It triggers my brain to think who must be the culprit and refreshes me. Before sleep, reading a page from my favourite book makes me happy. After a nice fulfilled siesta in the afternoon, I feel thankful and happy for the freshness in me.
So note down what makes you happy.

Finish your work smartly
Well, coming back to the topic, finish your work because it will keep you calm and not because someone will praise you. Nobody is concerned. After all, it’s you who have to finish either one at a time or all at one time. Choose what way keeps you calm. When you do one thing at a time, your brain remembers as all the focus is on that one thing.
According to studies, in a second, we have limited attention span so use it wisely. Choose the most important work and finish it first. The work that is important and not the one which is your favourite. Think about it! There’s a difference. Like, I know a particular work is important but will require a huge portion of my brain so I keep pushing it. Now here, I know it has to be done first so I don’t take another work. But since I am not even starting this work, my all day is wasted.
3 ingredients of productivity
Time, attention and energy are the ingredients of productivity. Calculate how much time you give to a particular work, your attention will be used accordingly and thus you save extra energy for other work.
Basically, we don’t multi-task but just switch between them. Check yourself. If you are writing and suddenly your friend’s notification pops up on your mobile screen, you instantly check it. Your brain shifts your attention from blog to mobile app. Now this interests you more. Your energy used on your blog is wasted as your focus shifts. The blog is incomplete and the chatting will always be incomplete as it’s on and off.
Go back to old habits
Always write what you want to remember or to-do list. When you write, your brain focus and store in your memory. Use words like a top priority, low and medium while you make your work schedule. This way your brain will start with one work at a time but with the most important one.
So how do you manage to do one thing at a time or do you still multi task?
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