How to train your brain and be powerful in life?
There is always a power within you that controls your actions. You think but what you think matters the most. What you think continuously for a long period of time, irrespective of good or bad happens. So believe in the power of thinking. Think mindfully where you are putting your thoughts. Your brain controls your body but your thoughts control your brain. So, learn how to train your brain and be powerful in life.
Your thinking shapes your brain
Random thoughts and ideas come to your mind on their own. They may be a mix of good and bad thoughts. Now it is your choice which set of ideas you take ahead and build a story. At this point, thinking happens when you indulge in your chosen thoughts. Here, you have to be aware of what fills your brain. How much positive do you want to be? Beware of how you shape your future.
Have you ever wondered that as soon as you wake up, thoughts start entering your brain. While you see outside your window and enjoy the morning sun, the episodes from a day before flashes in front of you. The first one being of your family members then friends and all the people you met in that last day. And know what? All the bad things come racing to you first instead of their good deeds.
As long as you are alone doing your morning chores, you are hit by random negative thoughts.
Simple tricks to train your brain
Many times, you indulge in negative thoughts unknowingly. It’s important to divert your mind to other purposeful thinking in the following ways:
- Start singing your favourite song. Instantly your brain will go to the places where that song is shot with the people involved in the video. Or even more magical is when you connect with that time of your life when you used to hear this song regularly. I get this feeling so many times as I listen to songs of the ’90s and early 2000.
- Chant your favourite hymns. Automatically, you will think about the words written in the book.
- Watch something good on TV or mobile.
You will find yourself engaged in positive thoughts when you do any activity related to above-stated points. And you smile.
This book will help you differentiate between thinking and thoughts that randomly hit your brain.
Sitting idle can be a brain exercise
Even sitting idle creates great ideas. Your brain exercises and thinks beyond limits. Treat it like your creation period and weave purposeful stories around. When you mindfully pick your thoughts, something constructive comes out and you feel proud of yourself.
When you are ignorant
What happens when you are ignorant of your brain signals? As human nature, it always picks up the negative from others. The brain scans the last time you had negative thoughts with someone. Then it multiplies all possible arguments you can have with that person. Nothing has happened yet and maybe it will never happen but you have already started to hate that person with no sensible reason. The brain is so powerful that it forces you to hold grudges against people. Alternatively, you can use the power of your brain to win someone or achieve something.
How can you stop?
As soon as you start thinking of a bad habit of someone, train your brain to think a positive habit of that same person. If not possible then forcefully start doing some work. Our brain stops to wander randomly when we are busy with some work. Take an example of catching a metro, bus, train or flight. Do we ever indulge in non-productive thoughts while we are doing the previously mentioned tasks? It is only when the brain is idle, it gets a chance to think negatively.
- Training your brain is not at all an easy task.
- You need to chant all the good things you want to do.
- Make a list of bad habits you will stop doing from today.
- Keep chanting it daily.
- It is a long process, you will be able to detach yourself from all one by one.
How have I trained my brain?
After so many years, I am able to analyse the bad habits I want to detach from. They are ego, anger, criticism, want and greed. I chant a number of times in a day as soon as I am attracted to a negative thought. I have been successful in letting go off my ego and I am proud of it. But still, at times, it tries to hit me back and I am trapped. Then again I get myself out of it. It is a deadly vicious circle but if you keep trying to train the brain, you will be close to peace.
You can find my real life achievements through the power of thinking here
Are you able to analyse your strong and weak points? Start training your brain today.
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I need to learn this seriously. Despite knowing the power of this perspective, I tend to get lots of random thoughts. And sometimes these overthinking process make me mentally tired too. Thanks a lot for sharing these tips and book recommendation. Will check out this for sure.
Thanks, Surbhi.