Empower your depressed teen to be happy again
As your child grows, he/she undergoes behavioural and emotional changes. These include negative mood swings that may happen suddenly without any valid reason. No parent wants to accept it but your child may be a depressed teen. Even not still, parents should know ways to empower their teens to be happy always and be able to fight depression at any stage. Depression has become a taboo in society but it is important to detect it early and conquer it. The symptoms may be different in teens and adults and so are the remedies. First, let’s start with
Symptoms to watch in a depressed teen
Some of the major symptoms are
- School pressure – It may not be only about studies but friends and their behaviour. Children tend to follow their friend’s lifestyle than what parents offer. Unknowingly comparisons make a place in their behaviour and they feel inferior to others.
- Smartphones and gadgets – Addiction to the internet are ever-growing. When adults have become a slave to their smartphones for work or entertainment then it is difficult to keep your teens away.
- Personal phones – Many of the parents give personal mobiles to their children for own reasons. But it becomes a cause of concern for those who still share it with their parents. Children don’t understand that it is not a necessity to be like others. Every family has different necessities and spending capacity.

Your child needs you at every step
The most important thing is to be with your child during the growing years. That is when you see them happy and observe if something is bothering them. It is difficult to differentiate changes in behaviour are due to hormonal changes or depression at this stage. The negative effects of teenage depression go far beyond a melancholy mood. But everything is curable when caught at the right time.
We will be discussing many more symptoms that cause teen depression and the ways to cure them in the upcoming posts. Keep following the series all through the month of September. We are here to face this taboo and not run away.
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Parenting is tough
And this is the post which is very handy
Good post
Thank you, Anurag.
Thank you Anurag
Major symptoms true… also we need to keep a close watch on their behaviour and tone they use while communicating. Looking forward to read the upcoming posts
Yes actually. Thanks.