How to change the thought process to be successful in life?
Thought process plays an important role in anything we do. First, the idea comes in mind and then we plan the strategy to put it in action. As a process, we think according to the idea we just got irrespective of knowing whether it will lead to positive or negative effects. So the most important thing is to check how our thought process works? How does the thought process react to different situations happening around us? In simple terms, the way we think is our thought process. If we closely observe our reactions, we can control them the next time. Yes, it is possible and actually works when we are mindful. The basic steps in changing the thought process to be successful in life involve:
- checking what works the best and what causes hindrance in the process
- at the initial stage only, rework on the areas with a low output.
- push the ones that are working good.
- keep a checklist handy for noting your positive thinking quality and put that first every time you plan a strategy.

Role of thought process in blogging
Now, let’s apply the above-mentioned steps into blogging. In every workplace, the thought process is the main area that needs work, the rest just follows.
- Search within your thoughts what are you best at? What is that one thing that makes you confident of talking about?
- Power your thoughts talking about that only because that is your unique voice. You will never go out of ideas as it is your natural voice and your thought process will always multiply it.
- Your content will always be plagiarism -free because everybody thinks differently.
- Now think of the ways you can make your content useful to the readers.
- The content remains the same only the presentation differs.
- When your thought process is put into correct actions, it attracts the right set of audience.
Distractions are a part of every community, use it to your advantage.
- Don’t get bothered by your peer’s work. In fact, get an idea of what’s trending.
- Now, check if you like talking about it in your own way. And if not, kudos to you. If yes, frame it with your actual thoughts and not how you read it.
- Now you can frame your own topic and make it useful for your readers who get a chance to read something new in a different voice.
This thought process works even in your kitchen
If there are 4 people who cook in the kitchen then every person has a distinct taste. Remember when we say maa ke haath ka khana? Similarly, appreciate other’s recipe and you will enjoy working together. What you have the best can never be taken away from you at any cost. So why to compare or fear competition? This is the point where we need to bring a positive change in our thought process and be happy together.
Listen to your peer’s advice and mend it your way to bring out the best out your recipe. The core lies in being patient and watch what’s cooking. You may be the next best chef. Put in your actual cooking qualities and your dish will have a taste of its own.

Apply this concept to parenting
A little change in your thought process can give you positive effects on parenting. Your child copies you more than listening to you. We all know this theory but are unable to accept it fully. It is not at all easy to be calm in every given situation. But a little change at how we look at it can bring peace within. Bring that humbleness within you then it will automatically reflect in your nature. You don’t have to be anybody else to be patient but it will reflect on you naturally.
Anger is not something that can be thrown out of you in a day but it can be lowered. And one day it will be zero. The most important part is to be mindful of when you are angry. The day you start realising that are doing the wrong thing as soon as you get angry, you will change your thought process. That space will automatically be filled with quietness.
This needs practice and is definitely achievable. These aspects I have been working on and have received some positive effects as of now. Yes, I do fail and believe in starting again. Do you have the courage to change your thought process for good? Let’s try once.
Loved your post…I need to work on this more!!
Thanks a lot. I am sure it will help you in life.
So well-worded Geethica. We must change our own thinking in order to make any lasting change in our life.
Thanks Noor. I am glad you found the post helpful.
Its so true that what we think and how we react actually shapes our life. And I loved what you wrote that honest writing will always be plagiarism free as everybody thinks differently.
Thank you Ginia. I am glad you could relate to the topic.
Loved your piece Geethica specially because you talk about two of my favourite things Parenting and Blogging. I loved how you made your tips practice and easily implementable.
Thanks Tulika. Life is such a big inspiration. We just need to be mindful and strong.