Word of the year 2019 – FOCUS


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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26 Responses

  1. I wish I knew the way to vent out anger too, Geethica!! Love this post! Nice word, I might try it next year!! 🙂 All the best to achieve all you have set out for!

  2. Power of patience is just incredible!! I know this is the most required superpower for any mom!! Much needed one when it comes to tolerating everything right from kids tantrums to coping up with work stress!! Great post!!

  3. You have written so beautifully. It will be worth following though it isn’t easy for all to include in their bucket list. Best wishes.

  4. Sudeept says:

    In a world full of distractions, ‘Focus’ indeed is nothing short of a superpower. In fact, may even be the mother of all Superpower.

    Also agree with what you have said about the books. So much to read, so little time..

  5. praggattirao says:

    Though the list of superpowers is indeed worth getting, I guess I ll want to flip the book and get it done too:) loved the definition of focus. Good luck to acheive it all this year

  6. sonamsahid says:

    all the superpowers are so difficult for me to manage. As i am a patient of bipolar depression.

    • Geethica says:

      Every depression has a solution. Don’t try to achieve everything at once. You may start with a simple achievable goal a day like reading a good article or doing makeup and feel good. There are some articles I have written on the same. If you want I may forward you the links. Thanks Sonam.

  7. Ramya says:

    The power to increase the duration of the day is the biggest power of all. We can achieve more than what we planned if time is in our hands.

    • Geethica says:

      I agree, Ramya. This actually starts with our thinking. Just plan and start. Let’s see where we reach by the end of the day. Thanks

  8. I loved the way you have tweaked the prompt to focus on the word ‘power’ . I wish I had the power to stay indifferent to toxic people

  9. Maya Bhat says:

    Even if you flip a book, you won’t be able to finish all the books in this world. 😀
    Nice take on the prompt 🙂

  10. I want these superpowers too! My goodreads “Currently Reading” list is a testimony to superpower number 4. I am hoping to change all that this year. All the best for 2019.

  11. vidhya29 says:

    Loved this post! I would love to get superpower of having patience

  12. Focus an easy to say word and tough to work on. I wish you success with your word. Patience is something even I desire as a superpower. And the power to vent anger is something new, anger hurts me more than others and I would like to know ways to do it without hurting anyone. Nice post Geethica

    • Geethica says:

      Thanks a ton. Yes anger hurts me too more than anyone else. I have written some posts earlier on the same but still not able to follow because my focus is not strong yet. But I will.

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