Tips to maintain relationship goals by Ishieta
Hello friends, thank you for the love all this month. Today is the last day of September 2018 and Alexa Series with Blogchatter but keep showering your love on my blog. The guest on my blog today is a dear friend from the blogging world. Meeting her in person has been more mischievous than blogging. Let’s learn relationship goals by Ishieta and know her views of her partner.
Introduce yourself in a few lines. What’s your relationship status?
Hello, thoughtful fam!
My name is Ishieta, and I am a Numerologist, Tarot Reader and Writer-Blogger, with three published works.
I am single and in conspiracy with the universe 😊

You must have made a hazy image of your partner. What qualities do you expect in him?
Growing up on a diet of Books and Bollywood movies – you can well imagine what my list looks like 😊
I hope to meet someone who will be a partner to me in the true sense of the word, and I to him.
Respect – Intelligence – Caring & a Kosen Rufu attitude (someone who is happy and contributes to the happiness of others) are important to me.
Do you feel marriage happens between two people or two families?
To my way of understanding, you are a couple in a boat, and the families are in the ocean – The boat can ride smoothly and go a long way when the water currents are smooth and flowing. In choppy water too the boat can, and does stay afloat, but it is much more of a challenge.
The joy is in cruising by, enjoying the experience – by being a part of everything.
Is our society still male-dominated? Have girls managed to make their independent place?
I see the world around me is changing, and beautifully so! Girls are becoming more independent and creating lives they love and are passionate about. Men too, in turn, are evolving beyond their traditional roles.
If both partners are financially independent, does their ego take the upper hand over their love?
Such a double-edged sword this question is!
The Ego exists, irrespective of finances, or any other aspects of life. It depends entirely on the two people involved to manage themselves and their behaviour towards each other. It is a choice that they wish to give importance to. Money can divide or unite – it depends on the people.
There are many examples available online of people, and books etc, which teach us how to build a good relationship, and speak with each other. I recommend everyone to check out at least a few resources just to understand yourself better, which would help in building a better relationship.
Communication is an important aspect of any relationship. Do you agree or being physically present but busy with your gadgets fulfils the situation?
I absolutely believe that communication is the root of all good and strong relationships.
There needs to be talking time, and there also needs to be a time when we are physically present in the same space and doing our own thing – If one can find that balance, then that would be ideal!
As long as we remember to not replace our partners with our cell phones, we should be A-Okay!
What simple understanding would you maintain to achieve peace in your relationship?
Communication and Transparency – I truly believe that understanding flows from open communication and a willingness to explain and discuss.
“YOU are my favourite place to visit
when my mind searches for peace”.
Thank you, dear Ishieta. Loved reading your thoughts on the topic. You have a sorted-out mantra for a peaceful life. I hope this works for many others reading you.
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I am taking my Alexa Rank to the next level with Blogchatter.
hehe… Thank you Shalz!
I loved that idea of couples in a boat and family being the ocean! How true and appropriate! Lovely post! 😍😍😍
Thank you 🙂 Yes, this is one of my favorite analogies.
Thank you for inviting me to be part of your blog. These questions really made me think and deep dive in to my own understanding of Relationships – a very therapeutic exercise for me too! I am glad you and your readers have enjoyed reading my thoughts.
How wonderful to read about a happy and sorted person – Ish may the conspiracy soon evolve into the affair of a lifetime 😉