Tips to achieve relationship goals by Varsha Tyagi
When you start reading somebody’s thoughts on a particular topic and like it, you want to know more. Similarly, I am enjoying interviewing so many guests on my blog and getting a chance to know so much about them. Let’s introduce the next guest today whom I virtually met on Instagram because her Instagram feed is awesome. You just can’t ignore.
Introduce yourself in a few lines. What is your relationship status?
My name is Varsha Tyagi. I am 26 years of age, I am a mechanical engineer by profession but in my head, I am the next big thing in fashion so also a fashion blogger by passion
You must have made a hazy image of your partner. What qualities do you expect in him?
When as a teenager I used to think of an ideal partner, I always imagined someone who would be very handsome and have a great sense of style and a sense of humour. As I grew old I have been immensely blessed to have found all those things, in my partner,(except the sense of style thing but I see that as an opportunity to put my fashion blogging skills to good use.) and then some more. To the people ,reading this who still haven’t found the one,I feel you should look for someone whom you feel the most at ease with;someone with whom you can talk about anything that might be going on in your life and not be judged;someone who might not express their love for you verbally each day,but shows it through their actions.
Do you feel marriage happens between two people or two families?
I think it happens between two families as it should because family is something you can’t alienate from your life. It is important that both families like each other at least even in love marriages because initially though it might seem like a no big
Is our society still male dominated? Have girls managed to make their own independent place?
There have been huge changes for women in terms of employment in the past decades, with women moving into paid employment outside the home in ways that their grandmothers and even their mothers could only dream of. They are moving into jobs that used to be done by men. Even those women working in factories or sweatshops have more choice and independence than if they remained at home. Women have progressed in education but the participation of women at important offices in fact overall public life is extremely low, they don’t hold properties and have much less financial access, health indicators are also poor. Urban women are also not that better off since most of the families still follow a strict code for women, basically like rural women just not the drudgery of rural life. So, I guess it’s safe to assume that the true India, which mostly comprises of the lower class and middle-class families, is still male-dominated.
If both the partners are financially independent, does their ego takes an upper hand over their love?
Given the current scenario where divorce cases are on a rise in urban nuclear families, this might feel like the case. But I personally feel that it depends upon your understanding with your partner and much you’re willing to work at it daily. Because I think that ego clashes might happen when both the partners are equally qualified and are not dependent on each other in any way and are not afraid to speak their mind out. But after all, is said and done, it depends on the maturity to not let your ego who come in the way of your relationship.
Communication is an important aspect of any relationship. Do you agree or being physically present but busy with your gadgets fulfil the situation?
I feel that communication and trust are the two pillars that hold any relationship together so for me communication is key. This is something that my partner taught me. Three years ago whenever we had a fight I just used hang up on him and then stop talking altogether and try to keep myself busy elsewhere to forget about the fight then one day he requested me to not hang up ,he suggested that I could just put the phone on hold and keep it aside but not hang up on him and trust me ever since our fights get resolved just like that within minutes;after all it’s harder for you to stay mad at someone who is on hold just waiting for you to speak with them no?
What simple understanding would you maintain to achieve peace in your relationship?
I think
Thank you Varsha. It was fantastic reading your thoughts. I would love to be in touch with you always.
Friends, you can follow Varsha on Instagram
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