Tips for healthy shining teeth
What is that one thing that you love doing? Or rather you should be doing when you greet somebody? Smile! A smile that makes someone’s day. A smile that makes you beautiful. There can be many reasons to smile but one reason to frown because when you smile your teeth don’t look good. This can be the case with many of us. And there’s nothing to be embarrassed. The trick is to keep your teeth healthy and shinning regularly. Good results show with time only. Regular maintenance keeps all teeth problems at bay. First, let’s understand what are the different tooth problems?
Different tooth problems:
A toothache
Any ache is non-bearable and toothache is the worst. It can be caused due to many reasons like food stuck between your teeth overnight. If you notice swelling or pus around the tooth, or if you have a fever, that could be a sign that you have an abscess, a more serious problem. You may need antibiotics and possibly a root canal.
These little holes in your teeth are bad news. You get them when a sticky bacteria, called plaque, builds up on your teeth, slowly destroying the hard outer shell, called enamel. Adults can also have problems with tooth decay at the gum line and around the edges of earlier fillings.
Sensitive to cold
Ice cream should taste good, not make you wince when the cold hits your teeth. The first step is to find the cause. It could be cavities, worn tooth enamel or fillings, gum disease, fractured teeth, or exposed roots.
Gum problems
Do your gums bleed easily? Are they tender? Do you notice them pulling away from your teeth? You might be in the early stages of gum disease (gingivitis) or in the more advanced stage (periodontitis). A buildup of plaque, a sticky bacteria, below the gum line causes it.
Tips for healthy teeth naturally
If you’re looking for natural ingredients to keep your gums and teeth healthy, you’ve got more than one product to try. Whichever you choose, don’t forget that it’s not a replacement for brushing, flossing, or rinsing with a mouthwash. You’ve still got to stick with those good habits to protect your smile. Look for these in your pharmacy store:
Baking Soda
Baking soda can help fight tooth decay and peroxide can help fight off certain bacteria, Shi says. On the downside, you need to mix peroxide with water to weaken it. If you use it at full strength, you might burn your gums.
Green Tea
One study suggests that rinsing with green tea extract may help keep your teeth from getting eroded. Another shows it might stop starchy foods, such as crackers or cake, from causing tooth decay. And a third shows that people who regularly drink green tea have healthier gums than those who don’t.
Marjaan Herbal tooth powder
It provides delicate dental care. It is NOT just any tooth powder, it takes on the special, & distinct Unani dental formula. It is a purely organic formula antibacterial & anti-inflammatory properties. The blend of Unani and Ayurvedic products is a bliss with enormous benefits.
Reduces gum swelling and irritation. Enhances gum tissues health and fights bad breath.
Reduces tooth ache and it has anti-inflammatory properties.
Keeps teeth healthy and clears
Anar ka phool
It prevents plaque build up that leads to tooth decay and gum diseases. It lowers oral bacteria.
It has 100% natural actives.
Why should you choose Marjaan Herbal Tooth Powder?
When you suffer from
Also, when you want healthy, shining and white teeth you should this herbal tooth powder.
50 gms of bottle costs you just Rs 50 which is not heavy on your pocket.
I have heard about using baking soda. But always felt taken back as i was not sure of what and how it effects. Have you tried using it?
I have also heard a lot about it but never tried. But this tooth is herbal so started using this one instead. At first, you may feel a little different because we are used to toothpastes and gels. But gradually we will see its benefits also. Thanks a lot
I too have gum pain and sensitive teeth. Thanks for sharing the solution. Will try this product
Thanks Sayeri
All the goodness is there in this tooth powder. Tooth powser with the ingredients that we use for tooth aches is like a bonus.
That’s so true. Thanks Alpana.