Nurture your child’s hobbies for well-rounded growth
In most of the parts of India, schools are going to close for summer vacation during May and June. Kids do have their school homework but still, they get bored. You can’t expect kids to study all the time. So what have you planned this year to keep them busy? Taking them out for vacation or to some learning classes and camping? Everywhere, you have to accompany your little ones.
Most of the time, parents are always worried about the academic records of their children and this is mainly due to the fear of losing out in this fiercely competitive world. Due to this, we forget to look into what our kids love to do, apart from their academic studies.

Child’s hobbies-Connecting the right dots for your child’s future
As a mother of a little one, my husband and I would always look out for what our kid loves to do and how we can add fuel to his passion. All of us like music and we were no different. I like to listen to old Hindi songs and have also learnt Classical music. Hence, right from my childhood days, there has been a natural inclination towards music. I saw the same musical spark in my son since the time he was a small kid. When he was around 6+ months old, I used to sing nursery rhymes, playing soothing music for him and sometimes even dance on those tunes.

He used to respond to the music being played and his facial expressions would complement the tone of the music. When he became 1+ years old, he used to join me in singing the rhymes in his own sweet voice J He loved music and just like me; he had a special liking for classical music. I could see the spark on his face when I played classical music on my mobile phone. This is when we decided that we would support him in pursuing music along with his studies.
Music: an Ideal way of expression
You may ask, how does a kid understand the complex musical chords at a tender age of 1~2? A 2016 study at the University of Southern California’s Brain and Creativity Institute found that musical experiences in childhood can accelerate brain development, particularly in the areas of language acquisition and reading skills. According to the National Association of Music Merchants Foundation (NAMM Foundation), learning to play a musical instrument can improve mathematical learning and even improve SAT scores.

Music ignites all areas of child development and skills for school readiness namely intellectual, social and emotional, fine motor, language, and overall literacy. It helps build a rhythm in the body and mind. Exposing children to music during the early years of development helps them to learn the sounds and meaning of words. Dancing to music helps children build fine motor skills while allowing them to practice self-expression. For children as well as adults, music also helps strengthen memory skills.
Investing in your child’s hobbies for long-term benefits
When I learned music, I was not aware of the positive changes it brought in me and the impact it had on my academics. But in today’s time, we have a plethora of information available on the internet and after going through many case studies, I realized that music has a profound impact on a kid’s life.

Since my son already had a liking for music, we had to find the right medium to channelize his liking. Many times, he used to get hooked on to the mobile phone instead of grooving to the music being played on the device. This is when my husband and I came to a consensus that we need to bring a musical instrument in our home. After a lot of research, we finally decided to bring a piano since playing the piano makes kids smart and cool. When smartness adorns them, they get better academic grades. Being cool enhances their persona and popularity in the peer group.
Casio Mini Keyboard
There are so many options in the market, but we chose the Casio Mini Keyboard since it has awesome features at an exceptional price
- 44 Mini size keys
- 100 Tones, 50 Rhythms
- 10 Song Bank Tunes
- 8 Note Polyphony (max.)
- 3 Indian Tones(4 in SA-77), 5 Indian Rhythms
- Piano/Organ Button
- 5 Percussion Pads (2 Indian)
- Headphones / Output

As I did not know how to play the Casio, first I learnt to play it and I also involved my kid in that process. He loved pressing random keys on the keyboard and would groove to the different tones. Once I learnt to play a couple of tunes, I taught my son and he got a liking for piano. Henceforth, he never touched our mobile phone and always turned to the piano when we wanted to play music. As parents, we noticed his love for the piano and once he grew up, he started pursuing his hobby with a lot of passion. The Casio has become an integral part of our family and we turn to it whenever we feel low or when we want to celebrate something.
Also read: How can you pursue a new hobby and boost your creativity
Either I or my husband could have ignored his liking for music, but we know how important it is to passionately pursue a hobby as it can nurture into a passion! To date, my son is inclined to music. He ensures that there is a balance between his studies and hobby. Though the world is becoming more competitive, many times parents only tend to focus on academics but that is not the right approach. They need to understand what their kids like and see how they can act as a catalyst to fuel their hobbies.
That is the right approach towards kids upbringing. In the rush of comptetion these things can’t be overlooked
What an excellent way to.teach children to embrace creativity
Thank you Amrita
Keyboards is definitely a great way the.keep kids engaged. If they can learn the skills quickly, it becomes a delight to for family.
That’s true. Thank you Nameesh.
I have some good childhood memories attached with casio piano.
Ya that’s true. Thanks Amna
My first keyboard was a Casio… And that was over 30 years ago. Excellent stuff… And so many memories 🙂
Seriously. I also got nostalgic while writing for it. Thank you Roshan
Oh music is a great way to sharpen skills in little kids! Casio is my fav brand cos I also used to play one:)
Happy Holidays
Me too. Thanks dear