Ways to have sustainability in the kitchen


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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30 Responses

  1. A good post. Loved reading it. #instacuppa #superbloggerchallenge2018

  2. Richa says:

    such an amazing post geethica, read something useful after a very long time 🙂

  3. drbushran says:

    Love the idea to find food sustainability in out kitchen by doing small changes. Informative read

  4. Tina Basu says:

    These are wonderful tips. My son is always in the kitchen – but now he has learnt to keep things back in its place!

  5. Really awesome tips. Eating seasonal Fruits and vegetables and juicing them at home are definitely things I encorporate at home especially for my toddler.

  6. nameeshn24 says:

    Thoughts shared via this article is quite wonderful. I will plan to implement some of the points mentioned in it.
    Actually many of the points are known but we don’t follow them. Its enlightening to refer it 🙂

  7. pythoroshan says:

    A very important topic to write on. I actually considered writing on this but honestly didn’t know much on the topic. Thanks for this.

    • Geethica says:

      I also had to research a lot in order to know what exactly the topic means to us. A great mind exercise after a long time. Thanks to #SuperBloggerChallenge2018. Thank to you too for commenting.

  8. Zainab says:

    I can see that the post is right from the heart. I liked the idea of cleaning with vinegar and soda too! #SuperBlogger halleneg2018

  9. amodiahs says:

    Nice thoughts and suggestions. This will help in keeping the kitchen up to date.

  10. What I loved about ur post is its simplicity.
    Very useful tips, like inculcating good habits in the next generation n also sharing household chores between the man and woman.
    N of course the bigger picture of sustenance.
    Grt post

    Pls read my week3 post for#superbloggerchallenge2018

  11. Monika says:

    Good post , yes the big word sustainability needs small steps to b followed in our kitchen ,

  12. snehal joshi says:

    A very eye pleasing post 🙂 . My mom always used to insist on eating seasonal fruits and using seasonal vegetables… I stick to it till date. I so wish to use natural detergent powders and fabric softeners..my hunt is on 🙂

  13. Nice article. I am very much a member of my wife’s kitchen and we take share the cooking responsibilities. My daughter who is 1 also lends a hand in a small way on rare occasions. It is high time that the men in our patriarchal society realize that cooking is the most important thing in sustaining life. No food no life !! And yes small habits like eating seasonal fruits and vegetables go a long way in keeping the environment healthy..

  14. Hi Geethica! I´m visiting your blog after so long. And it looks amazing. Love the look! Spot on article and tips. I loved the Ít all starts in the kitchen´ pointers. Please read my Week 3 post for #Superbloggerchallenge2018 here: https://thetinaedit.com/2018/03/02/why-local-produce-is-the-new-black-superbloggerchallenge2018/. 🙂

  1. 01/04/2021

    […] Also read: Ways to have sustainability in the kitchen […]

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