Instacuppa and me


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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36 Responses

  1. snehal joshi says:

    Milk frother is amazing. Same here I am a frequent tea/coffee drinker and I love frothy tea or coffee.

  2. Very Informative Post. Detoxification is necessary for our Bodies. Thanks to Instacuppa for this wonderful product

  3. drbushran says:

    Indeed fruit Infuser is best way to introduce nutrients to our diet on the go.

  4. Fruit infusion does give us a great way to include water in diet.#SuperBloggerChallenge2018 appreciates your effort.

  5. pythoroshan says:

    Well written and detailed post. I found this product quite useful and would recommend it myself

  6. Instacuppa is an amazing product to try infused water.

  7. Varsh says:

    Instacuppa is a good brand which is offering great options and recipes for creating our own healthy drinks. The fruit infuser bottle is good. I liked the milk frother too!

  8. ghazala786 says:

    The milk frother sounds interesting , as Moms are usually too busy to enjoy a hot cup of tea or coffee .
    Fruit Infusers from this brand seems the best 🙂

  9. All products look promising. Milk frother was something I hadn’t considered. Will go check it out.


  10. pythoroshan says:

    I’ve actually ordered the tea infuser too… have to see how it works after it arrives 🙂

  11. zainab says:

    I love that they have an e book and some awesome recipes as well.

  12. An awesome post. All the information here is quite useful. Loved it. #superbloggerchallenge2018 #instacuppa

  13. msarora says:

    The froather seems to be a good product. Easy to use and clean. It is handy and seems light weight too. Great post !

  14. Yes, I found the infuser and the frother very good products too. I am planning to take up drinking infused water on a regular basis. The frother also seems to be a very handy item.

  15. Neha says:

    Yeah, frother is handy even for milkshakes and cold coffee – our favourite’s as a family in summers.

  16. richa mina says:

    after reading the pros and cons that you’ve artfully explained i’ll certainly try the product. #SuperBloggerChallenge2018

  17. Its a wonderful post!! Loved how you explained each and every point! #superbloggerchallenge2018

  18. wonderful post geethica, I like the way you had explained all points about these awesome products, they are really amazing and has so many advantages especially with a busy lifestyle. #Superbloggerchallenge2018

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