Start-up guide for Beginners


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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37 Responses

  1. Monika says:

    Thx Geethica , it is surely going to b helpful

  2. Beautifully thought and beautifully penned too. I am sure all of them will benefit if they are serious about it. Keep up the good work

  3. I wish I knew about this and how to grow. Organic readership when I started. This well help all the new bloggers who start in developing a community and get readership and market their blog.

  4. nameeshn24 says:

    There are quite a few interesting thoughts that are captured. Infact, many folks end up no following and end up having problem in their companies very early. Nicely written 🙂

  5. Deepa says:

    Bang on! THese are the tips which can help all the newbies. Keep writing and come out of the comfort zone – Most important.

  6. This is such an honest advise to all – be it young or old. Content is King, and Write regularly. Hats off for the tips Geethica.

  7. drbushran says:

    Thanks for sharing your experience. Totally agree content is the ultimate king. And community building can’t be overlooked

  8. Anita says:

    Very true. All valid points.
    However, yet to follow these points sincerely & continuously. Blogging needs a lot of effort…

  9. Madhu says:

    Such a great write up girl… Quite informative and helpful for beginners!

  10. Tina Basu says:

    These are wonderful tips Geethica, being a team player is very important when you are starting a new business. Success is a team effort.

  11. WOW DETECTOR says:

    It was nice reading your post, quite motivating!

  12. pythoroshan says:

    So many good points – the bit about how if ‘you just sit in your den then nobody is bothered to knock at your door and give you work’ really applies to me in real life.

  13. Neha says:

    Yup! Being a writer who isn’t shying away from learning and being a reader who isn’t afraid to explore are the two qualities that are essential to be a good blogger

  14. Suzy says:

    Very good advice. And one more tip – keep your posts short

  15. Amrita says:

    Being true to ownself and friends who help you makes us lucky and blessed.Loved the advice Geethica.

  16. Zainab says:

    Lots of good tips! Linking up with fellow bloggers and reading and sharing is so important. Sharing this with a friend who plans to blog soon!

  17. Blogging is a community thing and I liked that you highlighted that point. Yes, we must be selfless and help each other generously.

  18. Mayuri6 says:

    You’ve shared advice that would be a great help to newbies and regular bloggers too. Great post, Geethica!

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