A word with God – Introduction


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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53 Responses

  1. Aman Thakur says:

    Hello @Geethica
    thanks for sharing this information with us i’m also waiting for you next update.

    • Geethica says:

      Hi Aman, thank you for your interest in my motivational post. You can certainly check my blog to read further posts in the series. Else I can forward you the links. Please let me know whichever way suits you the best.

  2. Shalu says:

    Geethica Mam, thank you for writing such a nice post, 10 min before wake up point impressed me.

  3. Very informative post. Useful and beneficial tips. Great post.

  4. Dr Bushra says:

    That’s very motivating tips to stay motivated and start our day on positive note.

  5. You know what I just started the habit of smiling and talking to God few days back! It gives a lot of peace.

  6. Looking forward to connect with you for more on this post. Loved reading your article.

  7. Sharvari Paivaidya Mehan says:

    Great idea to be thankful and spending those few minutes evry morning being thankful. Not spending too much time on the phone is my mantra this coming year.

  8. Great post. Especially trying to get up early and not checking the phone that is my goal in 2018.

  9. mahekg says:

    I do a lot of talking with God. Sometimes during the day as well. It helps me release my stress which is always better than bottling up inside us.

  10. dhanyasuresh says:

    This is a great post. So thoughtful. This can be a innitiation to a new beginning…all d tips are grt

  11. Gayathri says:

    Great tips! For a beautiful beginning .. these are very simple yet effective tips 🙂

  12. I have been talking to God since I was a child .It does help.Great initiative Geethica.Faith can help us when other things cant.

  13. momtasticworld says:

    It does make a lot of difference if we just take 2 minutes out from our daily life to smile and say thank you to GOD. This is so true:)

  14. That’s a beautiful thought geethica…Not picking up the phone first is an important point to be mentioned ..This has helped me to wake up relaxed..

  15. The world needs more promising stories and this one is a good start.

  16. Neha Sharma says:

    Such a lovely post Geethica, I have been following this same routine since last 1 year now. I have stopped running behind nothing. I prioritize my tasks previous night which makes the flow of work easier. Those few minutes in the morning after waking up is what keeps me energetic for the whole day.

    • Geethica says:

      This is so true, Neha. When you start your relaxed the day ahead goes smoothly. I am happy to know that you changed your lifestyle a little bit and got bigger rewards.

  17. Disha says:

    I have these one to one sessions with God at any point of time. But, I like your suggestion of having a fixed timing early morning for this. Should help me in more concentration throughtout the day!

  18. Dine Delicious says:

    That’s such a lovely thoughts. I am sure these would be helpful to have a life changing experience gradually.

  19. Aesha says:

    I generally used to rush to the kitchen immediately on waking up but since the past 2 weeks I consciously try to wake up a few minutes earlier to just look outside the window and then I close my eyes for 3 minutes and try and enjoy the calmness of the early morning before Mumbai City Wakes up. It has made me enjoy my cooking time in the kitchen otherwise I used to crib about this early morning routine. So I think your u are absolutely right , this practice has surely helped me a lot.

    • Geethica says:

      Thanks Aesha. I also used to crib earlier about daily chores and used to compare myself with others. But slowly I started accepting my life and counting my blessings. Things are much better with every passing day

  20. i loved the early morning idea i usually talk to god in the night before sleep

  21. Zainab says:

    Very good suggestions Geet. I talk to God all the time, but I’m sure I need to be better 🙂

  22. Deepa says:

    These are some really good suggestions. I wish we could follow these. I will try them from tomorrow morning. 🙂

  23. haddock54 says:

    Stay calm and let your brain decide the priority of the work . – something that I always do.

  24. checking my phone is the first activity I do in the morning, but I will try to stop it after reading this.

    • Geethica says:

      And it also weakens our eyes since the mobile light is so bright. Thanks Paresh I hope I will be able to brighten your days with more tips in future.

  25. Modern Gypsy says:

    Not picking the phone first thing in the morning is one of the best things you can do for yourself! I liked the suggestion of smiling and talking to God before even getting out of bed!

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