A letter to my mentor
Dear Bhatt Sir,
I still remember the first day I joined your coaching classes. I was so scared; first of all from the subject maths and then from your harsh voice. Little did I realise that those who are harsh from outside are so soft from inside.
I am thankful to you for what I am today. Gradually, I learnt that a teacher loves his student because of his/her behaviour and not only of his grades. You were the one who made me aware of my hidden talents.
You only insisted that I should join a regular college that will build my confidence and yes, it surely did. If today, I am able to talk to strangers and get my work done, it is simply because of you.
I was touched by your involvement in my marriage. You wanted to know every detail of my extended family, just like a father. I loved the times I met you whenever I used to come at my mom’s place. And then you would play with my kids too.
You were my true guru whom I would have worshipped my whole life. A guru comes before God as he is the one who brings changes in you and makes you closer to God.
Your sudden demise shattered me into bits. I could never accept that you are not there in my life anymore. But nature has its own rule for life and death.
I hope you must be proud of my achievements today. I owe my little success to you, sir.
Your ever scared student,
I really liked the post and the paragraph spacing. One can absorb your thoughts and connect with you.
Thank you. This was a truly heartfelt letter to my mentor.
Love this post. Few people are lucky to have mentors and it’s always a blessed act to give back, even if it’s kind words of gratitude. 🙂
[@samantha_rjsdr] from
Whimsical Compass
Thank you Samantha.
This is so touching. I think everyone needs a mentor like him in their lives.
Thanks Shalu
Such a nice letter to your Guru, yes guru knows our hidden talents and always motivates us
That’s true. Thanks
Teachers like Bhatt Sir are far in between who transcend the relationship between a student and a teacher beyond the classroom. I can see why writing this letter must be important to you. Whether people are living or dead, our thoughts for them always have the power to reach them wherever they are.
That’s so true Anamika. I want to meet him through my thoughts.
May his soul rest in peace. Teachers like him make things better!
Thanks Janani
You are indeed lucky to have got a mentor like that. This was such a heartfelt letter. He must be proud of you!
I guess he must be giving his blessings to me from Heaven. Thanks Reema.
A touching letter and a glowing tribute. May Bhatt sir’s soul rest in peace.
Thank you Sreedeep.
A lovely teacher and a most fitting student. A lovely letter G.
Thank you very much dear
I love teachers like him, who make sure that their students are taught properly and loved too.
They are one of their own kind. Thank you Susan
I too had a teacher like that. We all need a guiding angel after all. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you dear
Geethica such a touching letter to your favorite teacher. Loved reading this.
Thank you Amrita
It’s so nice of you to write a letter to your teacher. I am sure he is watching you and is very proud of you.
Yes, you are right. He must be watching. Thanks