Hope for the best


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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38 Responses

  1. Well that’s very beautifully written and yes having and believing in your own choices that you have made is very important that makes them even more confident in life

  2. Motheropedia says:

    I’m inspired. I should make a wishlist like this.

  3. They shouldn’t get carried away – i really like that wish. Sometimes i feel if i would hve turned differently if i complied to y friends all the time and peer pressure can get really nasty!! Seriously hope that our kids learn the difference and can decide well for themselves 🙂

  4. Beautifully written…Wise thoughts 🙂 I specially liked the point of being a good human being..


  5. so true being a good individual is more important rather than doing good in life money wise

  6. MerogAndMom says:

    Lovely points like becoming a good human being before becoming a good earner, be thankful for what they have etc. Lovely read. Very unique.

  7. The last pointer gives me so much hope and positivity Geethica!Many thanks for that

  8. Just loved reading this..You spoke my heart out…I feel we all mommies have a similar wishlist

  9. Jiya B says:

    Wo well said, We moms only wish our kids to be a good human being at first place.

  10. I really like your way of Writing post.your thoughts are just amazing. Your wishes are same as every mother of a child wish for them. Your words are so close to heart. Very wel words. We as a parents always wish that our children should get the more than we had.

  11. Vaidehi says:

    I really love your writing dear.Yes out kids should be grateful for what they have.Gratitude is the base formlong lasting happiness.

  12. momtasticworld says:

    Beautifully written. I loved this line “path was ahead only…”

  13. Loving all these posts about wishes for your children. Each post is unique and enjoyed reading yours too.

  14. TheMomSagas says:

    Wonderful! Believing in one’s choices and be responsible for one’s action is something kids must learn.

  15. Ekta says:

    It’s always nice to see your child humble and responsible… My dad says .. it’s nice to be important but more important to be nice 🙂


  16. I particularly liked the last one…such a mindful parent thought ..

  17. misha jain says:

    so nice n calming post geethica.. another perspective and lovely wishes..

  18. Vinay Leo R. says:

    Beautiful wishes. 🙂 I especially loved the third and the fifth one. Success isn’t about the paycheck, but the moments and the character.

  19. Very wise thoughts Geethica.Success is indeed there in everyones destiny .But what they do in their life and their choices determine how happy they will be.Thank you for encouraging us with your writing.#MondayMommyMoments

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