Fathers are from different planets


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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47 Responses

  1. Varsh says:

    If moms are superwomen, dads are no less. We tend to forget how emotional they are because they hide it from us. #OpenNTalk #BloggerBabes

  2. sayeridiary says:

    They are the daddy cool. Seriously dads are really so cool and calm I dont know how!! #OpeNTalk #BloggerBabes

  3. Shilpa Garg says:

    And my son has exactly this type of dad. 😀
    Enjoyed reading this fun post, Geethica 🙂

  4. An@m! says:

    hahaha… what a lovely post. And fact is everything you mentioned is true. I was actually thinking of the same few days back.

    – Anami from #InvincibleGang for #OpenNTalk #Week2

  5. Priyanka says:

    You nailed it! Dads are just like that…and it is their lovable idiosyncrasies that make them all the more dear to us.

    An adorable post indeed! 🙂

    #OpenNTalk #CrossBorderSisters

  6. Very well said. My son meets daddy barely once or twice in a week. Not counting sundays. But their bond is great.

  7. This is so true! Dad’s are the best. They have a different way of showing their love but it’s as unconditional as a moms’ is.

  8. Aesha says:

    That is so true ! Dad’s never yell & shout as it’s a mom’s job! Excellent article

  9. Ha …. ha ha …. hilarious post. Dad’s are always cool what come may. That’s why they are called dads and not moms.

  10. Veens says:

    Our Tatha ( that’s what the kids call him) is the strongest ❤️❤️🙌🏾 Happy Father’s Day to all amazing he wonderful Dads out there

  11. A lovely post out there!dadas are so very funny and strict at the same time

  12. Daddies are always so much fun. Even when moms loose it, dads always are so cool!

  13. ‘let it be’ ….and sometimes even these words can add to the stress of a mum….lol …
    Loved reading your posts..all the time, infact.

  14. momtasticworld says:

    It is funny and relatable. I agree, Dads are the coolest one in the family because of their favorite dialogue let it be….LOL. @momtasticworld.

  15. Totally agree with your post…Though old i am always my daddy’s little girl and he is my major support


  16. That’s a great post !! And yes fathers equally do as much as mothers

  17. Jiya B says:

    My dady strongest and funniest. Just loved to read the blog.

  18. Mummasaurus says:

    I love what you write… Especially those things lines of humour..pretty awesome !!

  19. MerogAndMom says:

    Just that my husband get panic attack when I am unwell😂

  20. MerogAndMom says:

    What a lovely post Geethica! simple yet strong❤

  21. upasna1987 says:

    Lovely write up Geethica.Yes, my Son’s Father resembles the above 🙂

  22. Loved that you said things get expensive one day and cheap the next.That’s so true .Lovely reading about the Super daddy .Thank you for writing with us for #MondayMommyMoments

  23. mahekg says:

    I was smiling while reading it as a child can relate it so much

  24. deepagandhi says:

    Yes Geethica..Dads have all these qualities. They hide their emotions but love their family a lot. Thanks for linking up with #MMM 🙂

  25. henajose says:

    Situations that are stress giving for mothers are not the same for fathers. I completely agree. Things for which I fret, he will handle it with absolute poise.

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