Value of money


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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46 Responses

  1. Mummasaurus says:

    I love the part where you shared what works for one parent may not work for another. This is such an important reality. Alps, that making list before hand makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the share 🙂

  2. Mumblebumble says:

    very interesting approach towards teaching kids about money. Thankls for the article 🙂

  3. This is what has been inherited in me when I was small…and I am proud that I am carrying this legacy too…The child also needs to earn his requirements…Good read!!

  4. It is very important to teach kids the value of money….A good habit of savings

  5. Great tips Geethica. Teaching kids about money at younger age is more welcoming.

  6. Pranita says:

    Lovely and impressive thoughts mama❤ so much to learn from you!👍

  7. my parents giving me pocket money and that is how I learnt the value of money. I actually understood the difference of need & want as I had to use my pocket money. Very good suggestions Geethica!

  8. These are some great tips. It pains me when i see some parents reward children for the smallest of things with objects. Saving and the value of money is a far better skill to teach

  9. Yes true! Teaching the importance of money is required !! Can be taught in various fun ways to start with

    • Geethica says:

      That’s correct. And the point is the child is always watching you rather than learning from your teachings. Thanks for commenting.

  10. So true it is important to teach them is important but they should know it is not everything as well

  11. Great post ! I have already started teaching my 2.5 year old daughter about this!Sooner we start the better it gets

  12. Perzen Patel says:

    Great post on teaching on kids the value of money. I always had to earn mine by doing chores in the house.

  13. Zainab says:

    Very true, kids now a days specially newd to know the value of money!
    Good post!👍🏻👍🏻

  14. Mummasaurus says:

    I love the part where you shared what works for one parent may not work for another. This is such an important reality. Alps, that making list before hand makes a lot of sense. Thanks for the share 🙂

  15. Geethica that idea about them having a list of needs from which you buy gifts is excellent .I too take away privileges for misbehavI our .Excellent post for making money talks easier .Thank you for writing with us for #MondayMommyMoments

  16. deepagandhi says:

    Good points Geethica..I completely agree what works for you might not work for others. Thanks for linking up with #MMM

  17. Awesome post Geethica, You have covered all the aspects so well. Loved reading it.

  18. A very sensitive and pragmatic approach towards the topic Geethica, loved each and every point. Age wise elaborating kids, telling them beforehand what is expected from them and learn before preach… Love it.

  19. anupriya says:

    Yes it is very important that kids be sensitised about the earning power and spending power concept. That I guess can be possible only once kids are big enough to understand this concept. The challenge sometimes is to tame your kids when they do not understand concepts like money, earning. Then the understanding of needs, necessities and luxusires is the route to be taken.

  20. Obsessivemom says:

    Agree with so many points there – needs vs wants. Also making that list – I’ve been after my children to do that. This reminds me to remind them one more time. It’s a great idea. #MMM

  21. Tats a great way to tech the value of money. As you told every parents should teach money can’ t buy everything … And experimenting with parenting in an interesting term 😊…

  22. BellyBytes says:

    Teach them young !

  23. Ila Varma says:

    Its true that the tricks that can go with some children can’t go for another every time. It all depends upon the perception and circumstances.

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