Today, I am satisfied. Or I would say I have learned to be satisfied. I know sometimes, I still fancy somethings and somebody but I remind myself to be thankful for all that I have. And yes, you are correct I feel better.
My today’s word of motivation is S-SATISFACTION
The real meaning
fulfilment of a need or want
a source or means of enjoyment
Ask yourself. Are you satisfied with what you have? Or are you always in want of more? And did you get that more?
NO is the answer. Because as long as you are in the want of more, you will always be running after that want. And the race will never end. The moment you will achieve a thing, you will feel good for a moment and the next very moment you will see others having more. You would want to be like them and the race starts again.
The result
The stress makes a regular place in your life. The never satisfied attitude is what you are known for. You become a frustrated being from a human being. You may have everything possible in life but you will always count on what all you don’t have.
Where does the change lie
- You need to change the thinking at the first place. You have to be satisfied with what you have.
- You have to accept the fact that you will gain nothing by participating in the rat race.
- The peace will still not be achieved until you find it inside you.
- The satisfaction lies within us and not in comparison.
- The satisfaction needs to be in the mind first.
- And this can be achieved by being thankful for what we have
When we are content with what we have and don’t get bothered by other’s possession, we achieve the level of satisfaction.
Linking this post with @Blogchatter for #AtoZChallenge2017
Very nicely written and true To God post. We can’t be one with ourselves unless we find content and satisfaction. Thanks for sharing this motivating post.
Social Stigmas are a bane for our societies.Lets not give in.
Readers of the Night
Thanks a lot Pikakshi. I am glad you liked the post.
true, comparison will never lead to happiness and satisfaction. Great points.
Thanks Rajlakshmi for commenting.
The satisfaction needs to be in the mind first.
And this can be achieved by being thankful for what we have.This is the reason and essence of satisfaction.It gives us peace like nothiong else will.
Seriously Amrita. Thanks for commenting
Sigh… for better or worse, this is a post meant for me. I am always dissatisfied – the eternal “greener grass on the other side”
Sarah Hoidahl – A Lovely Real Life Story of Kindness and Karma
😄Well Dr.Roshan, keep practising. Someday you will surely achieve satisfaction.
Great post on this thought GG – being satisfied is one of the most difficult things to practice for we are always full of envy or competition or wants and find it tough to settle down with what we have or achieved!!!
A gorgeous Summer Palace in Bangalore
Yes this is big one to achieve but once achieved, it is peace everywhere.
Of everything else in this worthy post I
Most loved the poster stating wake up with determination and go to bed with satisfaction. Life becomes a lot more happier if one emulates this thought.
Yes Roma,this quote reminds to be satisfied. Thanks for dropping by.