Today, I have reached the alphabet L. And I take the word LONGEVITY as my next level of motivation. This is a word everyone say out as a blessing to others.
Because the word means
The fact of having a long life or existence.
A long duration of individual life.
The reality
We all know that one day we have to die but we don’t accept the fact easily. In fact, we don’t want to talk about it. Because we are what we think; what we talk about. So why not discuss life instead of death.
As such also, we have to die one day which we cannot alter. So why to wait for our death and waste this beautiful life that we are blessed with. We are given so many loving people around to make our life happier and easier in hard times. Because of these people only, we pass away our bad times bravely. We need someone to share our sorrows as much as we need them to share our joys.
Everyone wants to live longer
nobody wants to get older
Last night, my 4.5 years old boy asked me “Maa, hum kab marte hai?” (mum, when do we die?) The question startled me. It is not that I can’t answer. But I was confused what to answer such a little boy. All I could utter was that when God sends his attendants, we go with them and leave this place. Then we live with God which is wanted by all of us.
In a while, he changed his mind and started playing something else. I was not sure about his attentiveness towards what I said. Or was he at all interested in the answer. But his question kept my mind engaged for a while.
The power of acceptance
We love our life, we always work towards a healthy, fitter and a better life. Similarly, we fear death also. No matter how many times we must have read the motivational books or the listened to audios of healing power, the fact remains the same.
Some people suffer from claustrophobia-abnormal dread of being in closed or narrow spaces. I often think, why do they fear death? When they know, that there is heaven after this life ends on earth. But still, they do. I guess it is the suffocation they fear and not the death. They want to fight that suffocation; that fear of not able to breathe. Medicines are also available for the same. But the first medication has to start from your brain. When your brain accepts the fact then it is accepted worldwide.
The fact is hard to accept that longevity can only be stretched to a limit. Like a rubber band when too stretched will always break at a point.
Instead, turn your focus towards life, how grateful we are and how we can make our life better. It is all about our vision as to how we see things around us. I know it can not be possible every time. There are many depressing times when our brain stops working. But the least we can do is not to say negative things out loud and be quiet until the time things get in control.
Linking this post with @Blogchatter for #AtoZChallenge
Interesting thinking.Death is probably the only thing that all living things have in common.The only eternal truth.You have explained very nicely to your little boy.Thanks for writing with us for #MondayMommyMoments
Thanks Amrita
As we age, the question of longevity seeps into our thoughts. We witness the passing of our elders or of someone suffering an illness. But this is a natural question that follows such situations. It would be interesting to know what prompted your son to ask that question.
Musings Over Poetry
I also wondered why he asked me that. Maybe he overheard someone talking about death or so. Thanks for dropping by.
Yes very true – life is meant for living not for dying. Death comes in the end … why fritter away life waiting for it.
Suzy at Someday Somewhere Live as if
Yes Suzy. Thanks for commenting.
Yes absolutely it is all in the state of mind and I have learnt it the hard way. Our longevity depends on our own faith on ourselves to an extent. Thoughtful post 🙂
Truly Yours Roma
Personal experience teaches us the best lessons of life. Thanks for commenting.