This is the real spice of life; H-HUMOUR. It has the power to tackle any situation with the lightest of a smile. You may be deeply hurt by someone or a situation but laughing away lightens your mood to some extent. Then broadens your mind to look for new ideas to solve the problem.
Like bad is necessary for life to show the importance of good. Similarly, humour is important to realise that seriousness is not the solution to every problem.
Reasons to live king size
Yes, this is true in all senses. When you add humour in your nature, it serves you in many beneficial ways.
You are liked by many people because everyone likes a happy soul over a depressed one.
You spread happiness which is absorbed by all.
You become more efficient in your work and life.
And humour is always liked by all and draws people together.
It is all how you look at things around you. When you are happy from inside, you look people happy around you. But at times when are sad owing to a situation, you tend to be depressed. That is the time, you humourous nature helps you out. And gives you enormous avenues to new opportunities.
When we try to smile in the deepest of depression, we feel good. Our facial muscles stretch and give comfort to the cheeks. Try it! It actually happens. This smile makes us feel that it was the only thing missing!
Humour is the true flavour of life, giving colour to other emotions of life, as well.
Linking this post with @Blogchatter for #AtoZChallenge
Humour also is a good disguise. But I like people with good sense of humour.
A sense of humour goes a long way to alleviate most of the troubles in life. Good choice for H Geethica.
Theme: Peregrination Chronicles (travel)
H is for a stinky high at ChangLa pass in Ladhakh #atozchallenge
Thanks Shalz for dropping by and commenting.
I have a poor sense of humour buddy but wish so much to get better at it, as like you I too believe it relieves a lot of stress and bring people together..
Hey Roma, you are my regular reader though I am cheating on some posts and have to catch up soon. Thanks for commenting sweetie.