

I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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32 Responses

  1. That’s a great quote! To be brave in the harshest of storms, that indeed needs courage!

  2. randommusings29 says:

    I love the quote about courage not being unafraid, but about facing your fears. And I totally agree with you that somehow, writing makes us face the fear! Fab post

  3. Super thought for today .Its not the absence of fear but doing inspite of fear thats important,What I love best about you Geethica is this want and need to do more.Thank you for linking up with us for #MondayMommyMoments

  4. vinodinii says:

    One does have moments when they lose out on courage, but starting over is the name of the game. Love your insights here.

  5. To love your life on your own terms and to tackle the every day emotional dramas, you definitely need the courage

  6. Kaddu says:

    I love that quote by Bethany Hamilton. And you know, it even takes courage to allow yourself to be vulnerable in front of someone!
    Glad to connect with you through this challenge!
    Happy AtoZing!
    Chicky @ http://www.mysteriouskaddu.com

  7. satheadis says:

    I think not loosing our courage to fears is the best way to survive…. and yes… My C is for Coffee will definitely help in between 😛

  8. swathishenoy says:

    Courage is something I still need to master! Nice post Geethica 🙂

  9. ANITA says:

    Courage is much needed to achieve success!
    March on despite fear 🙂

  10. deepagandhi says:

    We can do many things only if we have courage. It can help us to overcome our fears. Thanks for linking up with #MondayMommyMoments

  11. shraeblog says:

    I appreciate for your courage geethica.
    Your post with quotes and your experience really pumped up my power to lead fearless life.

  12. Anki Bhoye says:

    This one really touched me Geethica, the fear of failure always pull me down and stops me from taking new risks. I really want to be more free spirited and accepting, I guess it’s okay to fail, but it’s very important to try.

  13. Self-introspection is the key..not many find out the real essence of this 7 letter word. The way you have explained it, states iotas of your understanding of life love, keep it up.Truly inspirational!
    Truly Yours Roma

    • Geethica says:

      Your words are truly motivating for me Roma. I am encouraged to share more of the experiences and learn from other’s experiences

  14. Aspiring to develop courage in the face of fear is an admirable goal. It is not necessary to always be courageous, but to be courageous when it is most important.

  15. Ramya says:

    Not many have the courage to speak true emotions but writing is a brillaint way to express it. Your writing speak volumes of your courage

  16. Medha Nagur says:

    Courage, my word for c as well and who better can understand the importance of courage than me. Without this c-word it’s hard to survive- people crush you and circumstances ground you and yet we need to give them back right in their face or else soon you will be dead person- not physically but emotionally.
    Loved what you had to say and could connect with your experiences.

    • Geethica says:

      That’s it Medha…….I guess we can pour out all our experiences and let the world know what it takes to be courageous. Thanks for the lovely comment.

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