Moving further, sometimes I feel am I courageous enough? Do I have the guts to tell the world about my true intentions behind writing?
Yes. I guess writing has given my soul a meaning to survive here. And that calls for another motivational word from the letter C -> COURAGE
What exactly is the word?
The ability to do something that frightens one; bravery
Strength in the face of pain or grief.
What’s better than a life experience?
This is one of the quality I am working on and have achieved in the course of learning. I guess life teaches us at every stage. It is only we, who can’t figure out these lessons and learn from them.
I used to be a coward or rather a fearing person since childhood. I would not have the courage to ask for my right. Slowly and gradually, while studying in college I gained some confidence in my character. I learned to be independent and have the courage to do things my own way.
As correctly said by Bethany Hamilton, overcoming my fear is courage. And to choose from, there are many fears in my life, some big and some small. But I am overstepping those with courage one by one. The list is endless and so are my intentions to cancel them out.
Connecting with people over 30 years now, I have learnt to manage my emotions with courage. When I need to be strong, I have the courage to hide my dark side and be brave in the situation. It needs a lot of practice to be someone else at times but it is worth learning.
You need not be vulnerable at all times. When people around you leave you suddenly, you are shocked. Maybe shattered for some. And that’s when you need to have the courage to move on. You have to handle others who are dependent on you. There is no liberty for you to be weak.
And believe me, there is one God who takes you by his hand and leads you the way. He is the one who embraces you with an immense courage to face the world with power.
And there comes another powerful saying by Bruce Lee. True to its core, never take life easy. Prepare yourself that there will be shortcomings along your way and you need that dose of courage to fight it all.
Often Happens
I also try many times to take out the courage in me and face the problem. Sometimes, I am successful and the other times I fail. But the end result is that I gain the courage again and start afresh.
Linking this post with @Blogchatter for #AtoZChallenge
That’s a great quote! To be brave in the harshest of storms, that indeed needs courage!
Yes Shalini, courage needs practise but gives long lasting results. Thanks for commenting
I love the quote about courage not being unafraid, but about facing your fears. And I totally agree with you that somehow, writing makes us face the fear! Fab post
Thanks a lot for commenting. I am glad you liked it.
Super thought for today .Its not the absence of fear but doing inspite of fear thats important,What I love best about you Geethica is this want and need to do more.Thank you for linking up with us for #MondayMommyMoments
Thanks Amrita for such lovely words. You are the true encouragement for me.
One does have moments when they lose out on courage, but starting over is the name of the game. Love your insights here.
Thanks for dropping by Vinodinii
To love your life on your own terms and to tackle the every day emotional dramas, you definitely need the courage
Yes of course. Very well said. Thanks for commenting
I love that quote by Bethany Hamilton. And you know, it even takes courage to allow yourself to be vulnerable in front of someone!
Glad to connect with you through this challenge!
Happy AtoZing!
Chicky @ http://www.mysteriouskaddu.com
Yes you are correct. It takes courage to be vulnerable in front of the world. Thanks for commenting
I think not loosing our courage to fears is the best way to survive…. and yes… My C is for Coffee will definitely help in between 😛
O yes of course, coffee is always a creative break. Thanks for commenting
Courage is something I still need to master! Nice post Geethica 🙂
We all need to master some or the other qualities in our self at a point in life. Thanks for commenting Swathi
Courage is much needed to achieve success!
March on despite fear 🙂
Very well said. Thanks for commenting Anita
We can do many things only if we have courage. It can help us to overcome our fears. Thanks for linking up with #MondayMommyMoments
Thanks Deepa
I appreciate for your courage geethica.
Your post with quotes and your experience really pumped up my power to lead fearless life.
Thanks for such motivating words, Shraesta
This one really touched me Geethica, the fear of failure always pull me down and stops me from taking new risks. I really want to be more free spirited and accepting, I guess it’s okay to fail, but it’s very important to try.
Very well translated Anki. I am happy to see you connected.
Self-introspection is the key..not many find out the real essence of this 7 letter word. The way you have explained it, states iotas of your understanding of life love, keep it up.Truly inspirational!
Truly Yours Roma
Your words are truly motivating for me Roma. I am encouraged to share more of the experiences and learn from other’s experiences
Aspiring to develop courage in the face of fear is an admirable goal. It is not necessary to always be courageous, but to be courageous when it is most important.
Yes very true. Practising courage when it is most needed. Thanks for commenting.
Not many have the courage to speak true emotions but writing is a brillaint way to express it. Your writing speak volumes of your courage
Thanks for appreciating Ramya. Your comment touched my heart and I am motivated to write more.
Courage, my word for c as well and who better can understand the importance of courage than me. Without this c-word it’s hard to survive- people crush you and circumstances ground you and yet we need to give them back right in their face or else soon you will be dead person- not physically but emotionally.
Loved what you had to say and could connect with your experiences.
That’s it Medha…….I guess we can pour out all our experiences and let the world know what it takes to be courageous. Thanks for the lovely comment.