

I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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37 Responses

  1. Geethica, what I loved about your blog is how personal you made it and it is clear where you derive your faith and strength from..God! Beautiful and an honest post! Keep writing! Love n Cheers!

  2. shalzmojo says:

    I so believe in the power of affirmations and I use them to solidify my intentions about things I am confused about.
    Kudos to you for getting so far in your blog; its similar to my story and I know how tough it was! 🙂

    Theme: Peregrination Chronicles (travel)
    B is for BodyArt #atozchallenge

  3. adodani says:

    Amazing, all the best. May you keep growing 🙂

  4. zainab says:

    I agree with Amrita, belief in both oneself & God is mandatory!

  5. Oh, the site looks great Geethica. Loved reading your journey. It’s true that once we believe we can do something, nothing is impossibleThailand Travel Stories at Kohl Eyed Me
    26 Indian Dishes at Something’s Cooking.

  6. pythoroshan says:

    I think the final product speaks for itself. The site looks great. And yes, readers may not realize how much we fret to get the look just right.

  7. Tina Basu says:

    When you believe in yourself you can achieve great heights. Your blog is looking great Geethica.

    • Geethica says:

      Thanks Tina for appreciating. I am learning from you on how to make my blog easy to access. That’s what I feel when I visit yours.

  8. deepagandhi says:

    It is important to believe and that’s what I have also written in my todays post. Belief can help us to be more confident and take on anything without fear.

  9. Ros says:

    I really like that quote: when God does not solve your problems, He has faith in your abilities. Such an important thing to remember, and so difficult to do so at times! All the best with the challenge
    Ros from Fangirl Stitches

  10. Loved the God quote. Brought a smile to my face.

  11. Neha says:

    Belief is indeed a strong word and a great comfort in torrid times

  12. BellyBytes says:

    The second post I’ve read on belief today. So let me ask you the same question… What would you call a belief that you can land on your feet if you jump out of the 23rd floor and actually JUMP?

    • Geethica says:

      To this I would say that if I have to live more I will be on my feet after jumping from 23rd floor. And if I have to die anyhow, I will die at my home also where I am all secured. It is all about your belief which can not be imposed on anybody! Thanks for commenting.

  13. Kalpanaa says:

    Hahahaha – I loved your God quote about belief. Amazing. Great B post. Happy to be here – good luck with the A to Z
    Blame #Lexicon of Leaving

  14. inquisitivegeet says:

    Isn’t it such a beauty to be a part of a community that is ready to help you 24*7! And yes, it’s all possible only because you had belief and that made you take a step ahead!


  15. You are so right love, keep the belief, don’t give up and sooner or later we get the solution, no matter how big the problem is 🙂
    Truly Yours Roma

  16. leannelc says:

    Blogging is such a steep learning curve isn’t it Geethica – we think we are doing well and then a whole lot of new challenges pop up. It’s good training for the brain and I am so proud of how far I’ve come (although I don’t think I’ll ever bother paying to self-host)
    Leanne | cresting the hill

  17. Nega says:

    Whatever the problem, belief in yourself and the almighty power always keeps you afloat. Very inspiring

  18. Belief in self and God both are the fuel that makes dreams become reality.Wonderful reading your story.

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