A- Achievement
This is the perfect word to start my #AtoZChallenge with Blogchatter. Everybody loves the word ACHIEVEMENT. Who does not want an achievement in their personalised field; whether a woman at home or at work or a man at work or handling kids? Even a child understands the meaning of this word when he/she feels victory over his/her mother in buying a toy after throwing so many tantrums!
So what exactly do you mean by Achievement?
A thing being done successfully with effort, skill or courage; The process or fact of achieving something.
I have tasted the smallest of the smallest bit of achievement in my career. And believe me, it tastes like Amrit-the soul drink. The feeling may differ from person to person. The perspective of looking at Achievement decides what it means to you.
There is a sense of Achievement
when you sleep after a long day of tiredness
when your kids follow your teachings.
when you see things falling back into their right places
when your prayers are answered
There is a sense of Achievement
when you see your name being published
when you are recognised for your work and not just duties
when you achieve after so many dejections
when you accept that God has given the problem
and only he will solve it when the time is correct!
How much?
Achievement is a big name in itself. The success lies in the fact that how much is too much. There is a thin line between contentment and greed. And often the two are misunderstood. The satisfaction of achieving your goal is contentment. When you work hard; when you desire only to work and not thinking about results for that will follow automatically. Dreaming of your success is contentment but dreaming big is greed. When you don’t feel grateful for your achievement but keep craving for more, that is greed. When there is no peace inside you but the urge to be at the top. There is no finish line for such people but only a road leading to nowhere.
This world is full of obstacles for everyone at every stage. But have we ever thought that when we overcome these obstacles, there is a clear path visible? This quotation above written by Tommy Newberry sounded perfect to me. The importance of Achievement is realised only when we work hard towards achieving it. These hardships challenge your patience and perseverance. But Gold is also formed after so much of melting and so as the Achievement in our life.
Never stop for a particular goal. When one is achieved, there’s fuel for the next. Prepare your success chart and don’t forget, to sum up, your blessings. Remember to be thankful to God.
Linking this post with @Blogchatter for #AtoZChallenge
Good reminder Geethica! Achievements only come out way when we work towards them. We can’t want to eat a delicious cake and then do nothing to ensure effort went into baking it.
Cheers for this AtoZ ride!
Thanks Natasha for relating so well with the post. Stay tuned for more
Geethica, Firstly thanks for visiting my blog. I can see I will be back for the rest of your A to Z posts as A for achievement has got me wondering what will follow.
Thanks Fran. That’s so lovely of you to flow my posts all through the month. I hope I will keep you engaged
That was well said. We are sometimes so busy running behind big things in life that we forget the little things, smaller achievements which can bring equal happiness
Thanks Swathi. Realisation is all that exists in our self
Very well said G!
Achievement is a great word with multiple meaning!
Let’s all achieve what we want!
Thanks Zainab for appreciating
Such a motivating post right at the start of the challenge! Awesome Geethica 🙂
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Thanks a lot Shalini
Very Motivating post, Geethica. Sometimes we need someone to show us the mirror and this post does just that:)
Thanks a lot Mayuri. Your words are true motivators for me
This is a very well written post Geethica – we are always running behind accomplishment, goals, achievements and probably not living the life at all! All the best
Thanks Tina for the appreciation
agreed with you we must learn what’s the difference between success and greed
well written. Thanks for sharing Amazing Guide to your First Menstrual Period
Thanks Dew for liking the post
I have to agree. Much as I wish it was easier, some of the biggest challenges of my life preceded the accomplishments. And yes, the term ‘achievement’ is relative – what I can consider great maybe nothing for someone else and vice versa. We just have to choose what matters to us, I guess.
Thanks for reading the post. I am glad you could relate to my writing. Stay tuned for the whole month of motivation