The qualified Moms


I am an observant writer and motivational blogger. My blog is the true reflection of my soul. It spreads happiness and shows ways to smile even when time tests you. Organising effectively and managing time makes me productive. Over the years, I have become calm. I am clear of my goal and this makes my journey smooth. Currently, the focus is to let it go and be a spectator.

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25 Responses

  1. Being physically present is the most difficult when you are juggling 10 different things,Parents have to work as hard as children to make everything run smoothly.Thanks for wriing with us for #MondayMommyMoments

  2. I loved your analysis buddy and learnt many quick hands on point only a experienced bright momma like you can recommend. I personally find the concept of exam stress quite futile and we must nurture our little one to study regularly and only relax and revise during the exams so that it can apply and express creatively.

  3. Wonderful tips for Moms. Shared.

  4. deepagandhi says:

    These are very good points Geethica..loved the analyse point and the point where you explained who is tensed more? Thanks fOr linking up with #MMM.

  5. Lovely!!!

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  6. Suzy Que says:

    Good advice. From my experience, be a mother to your kids when they are young not a friend. The relationship can turn into friendship when they are adults but when they are young – be their mother and sometimes mothers have to put their foot down.

  7. inquisitivegeet says:

    What a beautifully written post, Geethica! My name is Geetika 🙂 happy to read you ! It’s my first time on your blog and I like the way you’ve expressed your thoughts here. I have my niece and nephew of almost the age of your children and this article has sure added a perspective 🙂


  8. Maliny Mohan says:

    The points are valid and sensible, Geethica. This is such a burning issue since long and htere has to be more awareness about it. Till this date, we have lost more lives than we can count owing to the matter.

  9. Life is an exam – good pieces of advice given here. Often we pass the stress to our kids and that does not help at all. We need to encourage them positively and as long as they are working hard, we should not worry about the results. Good numbers are no indication of success for me. Learning has nothing to do with high grades.

  10. Neha says:

    Can relate to it. A mom is expected to know it all. Also the fear that she might fail her child, also takes a toll

  11. Geethica says:

    Thanks Richa. Yes, experience is the biggest teacher for life lessons.

  12. Really the words spoke my heart. Great piece of post. I totally agree with you, LIFE is the most difficult exam.

  13. Richa says:

    Very nice thoughts and penned down well!! you have an amazing experience behind you of teaching and handling two kids…i think its gonna help all readers !!!

  1. 25/02/2018

    […] The word ‘exam’ itself weighs heavy. It gives stress to both mothers and kids. The kids may be of whatever age they feel a little uneasy when actually the exam time comes. Every parent has a different style to deal with exam stress. And still, everyone is looking for more options to create a peaceful atmosphere during exams. So what’s my mantra this year to deal with exam stress? […]

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