Why do we exist?
Many times when I am depressed, I ask myself “why do I exist?”
My brain answers me back ” Because you parents prayed for you.”
But God could have sent anybody. Why me? So many questions arise but some are answered with time.
And the rest stays in the queue for the best time to come. I intensely believe in God and my belief gives me all the answers. When all my tries are failed, I leave myself to God as I would to my parents. And the magic happens. Every new day brings new answers along with it.
I intensely believe in God and my belief gives me all the answers. When all my tries are failed, I leave myself to God as I would to my parents. And the magic happens. Every new day brings new answers along with it.
I have asked God about my existence many times.
And I have been answered differently in different situations:
I had to come back on this earth so I am here.
I have to serve my parents so I am here.
I still have some births to be reborn before I serve God selflessly, so I am here.
When I achieve my goals I thank God for my existence; for the facilities, I have been given.
When I fail at something I question my existence. That is human nature.
But with experience, I have changed now. I know if I don’t get a thing, that may not be for me. In the same way, when a parent, does not let the child put his finger into an electricity socket because he knows that will give the child a shock.
I have learnt a bit to calm myself. The “why’s” in my life have decreased although not vanished.
On every small wrong, I keep asking myself “Why is it not happening?”
Vigorously trying to fix it up often drains my brain. That’s when I train my sub-conscious mind to work and I try to sleep. So that nothing comes in between the working of my brain. Many times in dreams I get answers. Sometimes, the answers are in the surroundings only, I just need to be alert.
Many circumstances have landed me on this conclusions. You may also try and share your experiences in the comment box below.
Linking this post with #Blogchatter Prompt: Why
Beautiful post
Thanks dear
Nicely penned down Geethica. Sometimes even we don’t know answers to WHY of our life and it really makes us wonder.
Thanks Deepa