To end we shall begin today

Prompts, prompts, prompts
So many prompts scattered on every site
I can feel them cluttered inside every night
I like all of them
Love all of them
Want to write for them
Want to reach out to them
So many ideas in my mind
Raring to come out
So many expressions
I am mad about
Confused but eager to start
Perplexed but daring to write
To execute my thoughts
To conceptualise my commitments
I shall begin today!
Pretty new look 🙂
And, Geethica your poetry is not only well written but totally in syn with the prompts going on offlate 😉
Is that you Zainab?thanks for the appreciation
I so much loved the flow yaar
Great Beginnings to you
Thanks dear. Glad you liked it.
Congratulations Geethica on this wonderful new beginning.
Love the new site.Take a deep breath ,enjoy the new baby and don’t forget to have fun.
Thanks dear.I am taking baby steps and enjoying the new experience.