Does it take too much to be happy?
There are many times in a day when we feel happy for no particular reason. We pause for a moment and ask ourselves, is somebody praying for us? Yes, it must be true but we should also realise that our initial state of emotion is to be happy. We are born to be happy. It is the world and its story that keeps us engaged in different people and emotions that we miss being happy. So you tell me, does it take too much to be happy?

What does happiness mean to you?
Happiness to me is
when I miss my morning walk due to rain
and go back to sleep
when I find some precious stones in my pocket
that I searched everywhere
when I thank God every now and then
for all the necessities of life I have.
Happiness to me is
when I buy cosmetics and stationaries for myself
when I actually don’t need them
when I cook food and my loved ones praise it
when my lifestyle is an example
for others.
Happiness to me is
when I just sit by the window and let the fresh breeze flutter on my face.
when I sit idle thinking that
the rest can be done at a slower pace.
Happiness to me is what I make out of things and not what things give out to me.
Simple things that keep you happy
Now it’s your turn to be happy. So recall all those simple pleasures of life that bring a smile to your face. Remember that money can’t buy those memories but only your loved ones can curate them. So they are priceless.
Do share your lovely moments with all of us and multiply them further.
Thanks Amrita.blessings for all
Perfect .Thats true happiness.Stay happy and blessed.